T w e n t y - s e v e n

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   When we arrived at Maia's house I notice two things. First, how anxious she is. Like when she sees her mom waiting at the poarch, her posture straightens slightly, or how when her brother starts to unbuckle his seatbelt, she swallows. But then I notice how she's hiding it from me, smiling comfortingly as she exits the car. I hate the idea of her not feeling comfortable enough to share her worries. When I was with Luca I think my feelings took up too much space in our relationship, leaving her to keep things from me. I'd hate to do the same to Maia.

"Kris?" Maia questions once she's opened my door, leaning in slightly to touch my hand out of sight. "You're not worried are you?" She asks softly, as I turn in my seat, facing her and letting my feet touch the ground.

Even when she herself is probably freaking out, she still finds time to worry about me. It's probably bad that I hate and love that at the same time. Loving how selfless she naturally is. Loving how much she cares about how I feel. Hating how it's affecting her mood. Hating still how she won't admit how she's feeling. "I'm good...are you?"

She nods, lying, "I'm better because you're here." Maia tells me. "C'mon, let's go inside." I nod, hoping what she previously said was the truth.

I follow as she leads the way to the poarch where Aaron, her mother and her step father were all exchanging greetings and hugging each other.

Maia hugs her mother and Micheal as soon as Aaron's released from their embrace and I even find myself pulled in for one, like I had been the first time I was here.

"So good to see you again Kristin." Lisa says, sweetly smiling at me.

"You too." I reply, before everyone's actually entering the house.


Dinner goes good, the food surpassing my previous expectations greatly. Maia sent me knowing looks throughout the meal, her gaze saying something along the lines of, 'soon'. I don't want to force her into telling them since she's obviously apprehensive but I hate seeing her in the scared state she's in right now.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" Her mother questions yet again, having asked similar questions during the meal.

"Nothing." Maia says immediately as Micheal returns to the dining table, placing small pieces of cake in front of everyone. "I wanted to tell you guys something." She meets my gaze for a second, as if asking permission to finally say what she's been waiting to say. I simply give her a nod of approval, just to set her mind at ease, before silently biting my lip.

She turns her gaze back to her parents who have both abandoned their untouched cake, unlike Aaron who digs into the meal, uninvolved with the conversation. "What is it?" Lisa questions, giving her daughter a worried look. Before Maia can say anything Lisa's taken it upon herself to guess, "Is it school? Did you quit college Maia? You can tell me honey." Despite what her words state, Maia can't tell her since she continues, a loud gasp leaving her mouth, "Are you pregnant? Oh dear, you're pregnant aren't you?...Are you keeping it? No pressure baby but I'm just way too young to be a grandmother-but of course I'll support whatever you choose-"

"Oh my god Mom, I'm not pregnant." Maia interjects, actually letting out a small laugh at her mothers frantic state. "Actually kinda the opposite." She says, laughing at what the sentence implies.

"The opposite of pregnant? What's the opposite of pregnant?" Lisa questions, before turning to her husband, "Micheal what's the opposite of pregnant?"

"Honey, why don't you take a deep breath and listen to her." He suggests, laying his hand over top of hers.

Slowly, Lisa nods, turning her attention back to Maia as a silent invitation to speak. She sighs loudly, getting ready to speak. "I met someone."

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