T w e n t y - t h r e e

42 3 0

   I drop my spoon back in my cereal out of fear when the front door swings open. But to my relief-for multiple reasons-Kaylee stands at the door, wearing a large grin. "Oh my god." I mumble, standing from the counter to tackle her into a hug, making her laugh. "What the fuck Kaylee? I was so worried."

"I needed to deal with something." She says vaguely when I release her.

I hit her arm, "You didn't say anything, I was so confused, you asshole."

She rubs her arm while glaring at me for a moment, before her smile reappears, "Why are you eating cereal at night?"

"Shut up, I was hungry but didn't want to cook, now explain what the hell happened." 

"While I went to go see Kieron." She says, making me roll my eyes. 

"Duh, why else would you go to Boston?" I state, sarcastically as she gives me a pointed look.

"You're the one who wanted an explanation." She replies, a challenging glint in her blue eyes as she crosses her arm.

I sigh before giving in, "Fine, continue."

"So I went to Boston because Kieron broke up with me over text-"

"He didn't." I argue, my eyes wide and my mouth agape.

"Yeah he did, over text like a coward, so I went there and confronted him, basically turning things around to break up with him-"

Once again I cut her off mid sentence, "What? You love him idiot."

"Oh my fucking god." Kaylee groans slowly, "Would you let me fucking finish?"

I bite my lip, nodding slowly, "Continue."

"So I broke up with him then he said I couldn't because he already broke up with me so I told him I loved him, and he said it back-naturally-then he got down on one knee and now we're engaged." Her words leave me more shocked than the first time, half because of the new news but also because of her noncalontness.

The door creaks open, a head popping in, "Can I come in now?" Kieron questions, shocking and confusing me more. Kaylee nods curtly at him, allowing him to enter the room and take his rightful place beside her. "Hey K, what's up?"

"Oh my god." I exclaim, my head spinning, "Are you two trying to give me a mother-fucking heart attack?" I say loudly, hitting both of them lightly. "You're engaged?"

They both nod, before Kaylee puts her left hand in front of my face, "See?" She asks. I squint as my eyes land on her ring finger, only to be met with a black line, "It's sharpie?"

My eyes shift to Kieron, dubious, "You proposed to Kaylee with a sharpie ring? You proposed to our best friend-oh no, better yet-the love of your life, with a fucking sharpie ring?"

He shrugs, looking down to Kaylee before meeting my eyes as he throws an arm around her, "It's what I had on hand."

"Your guy's love story is gonna be so confusing to tell at your wedding." I say, before remembering something, looking to Kaylee, "What happened to you guys wanting different things? I thought you wanted to travel and shit."

Her smile grows as she looks up at Kieron, speaking to me as she does, "I'm giving him four years." She says, acting as if that makes sense.

"What does that mean?" I ask them, confused.

"She's gonna let me finish school, you know, it takes four years."

She leans into him while adding, "Then he's giving me four years to drag him around the world, seeing all the sights, before finally we get married and settle down."

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