Getting my barrings together

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Waking up as the bright light blinding me involuntary force my hands to cover my arms and getting up once the sudden brightness fads putting my arms and hands down seeing a beautiful forest. 

Looking down to my feet to my amazement I see Karabiner 98k rifle perfectly fresh

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Looking down to my feet to my amazement I see Karabiner 98k rifle perfectly fresh. Quickly picking it up than went total geek mode. 

Johnny: [to himself] My favorite rifle! Five bullet per round it's just like brand new! Holy shit!!

During my geek mode also found a perfect C96 pistol and what i think two days worth of rations. 

List as states.

Rye bread: 1.54 ib

canned meat [spam]: 10 oz

salt: 0.5 oz

other seasonings: 0.1 oz

spices: 0.03 oz

sugar and coffee [in combined]: 1.72 oz

Along with three clips for my rifle and pistol after getting my barrings together bout to load my weapons to found out both are loaded and ready to go. Since, I don't have a map I made one random ass direction and continue till sun goes down. Still I'm surprised that my clothes are not only fully repaired and it look like its fresh straight from a factory. After few hours of walking endlessly and half of my water contain I turn to my left and see a decent pond, taking a break be a good idea to look around first is how I look. I hope my face is ok otherwise I may end up as two face from freaking Batman. I took a breath and look at my reflection. 

[Johnny's face] 

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[Johnny's face] 

Taking a closer look I notice my uniform is different from a grunt level soldier to a officer's uniform. 

Johnny's thought: [shock] What the living fuck?

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Johnny's thought: [shock] What the living fuck?

Taking my seat on a smooth yet pointing up rock to begin thinking next thing to do. 

Rogue Ninja #1: [in the trees] Look at this guy.

Rogue Ninja #2: [near his friend] Where did he came from? 

Rogue Ninja #3: [on top of them just a different tree branch] You both go report to the chief and tell him to bring more hands. I have a feeling that this a guy might be a hand full. 

Few hours later. 

Rogue Ninja's POV

This guy really does love to talk to himself making me think he lost his marbles. Oh well, He's going to be dead anyways. 

Johnny's POV

After eating lunch I begin to think how to summon things and whatnot like some RPG game I happen to know of. 

Johnny: I wish to have some help how to use my powers! What, what's that noise? 

Grabbing my rifle and aiming at the direction of the sound. 

Johnny: Who goes there? 

Five Ninjas appear 16 yards away. 

Rogue Ninja #1: Listen here, outsider. How about you drop your weapons and let us talk like civil people? 

Johnny: [more on the edge] Yeah, no.

Rogue Ninja #2: [running at him] Die!

Johnny: [yelling] Nein! [No] 

I fired my gun and the bullet found it's mark landing itself in his chest assuming his heart making fall forwards not moving nor making a sound. He was died. 

Rogue Ninja #2: Brother! 

Seeing the other ninja being a bit faster I pulled out my pistol than firing two shots at his head he too fall dead. 

Rogue Ninja: [ordering] Group one and two attack!

Johnny: Fuck! 

Starting to run from them and shooting them running for my life two minutes worth of running found myself in the midst of a rock cliff between me and those bad guy is a steep 30 foot drop and something I'm not in the mood to do so. 

Johnny's thought: Halo 1: mission 2, anyone? 

Quickly using one of large boulders for cover and carefully using my remaining ammo for both my rifle and pistol, shortly the numbers of the bandits litter the field sadly, I ran out of ammo. 

Bandit chief: [yelling] Haha! Good way to show a fight, young man! Tell you what, come out and join if not you be respectfully be buried and I make sure of it! 

Bandit Captain: He killed so much of our men and yet you want to bury this coward? 

Bandit chief: You know my laws especially of those who earn my respect.

Johnny's thought: Fuck! Fuck! 

In my left eye I see emergency rescue after mentally pressing it. Few seconds later one attack helicopter and one transport helicopter coming our way. The attacking helicopter starts making it's run and killing all enemies within sight seeing the Imperial German flag. Getting the nerves to look above the rocks seeing the transporting helicopter landing and six soldiers and one girl in a Japanese school uniform with guns in a hand than forming a defensive circle  than the helicopter taken off and flew off a little away from combat. 

Soldier #1: [yelling] Spread and find his Royal Highness Bismark! Sarah, stay close to me! 

Both soldiers and Sarah: Jawoh! [Yes sir!]

Seeing the soldiers walking around searching for me as the attack helicopter having fun with it's FLAR video camera and shooting the enemies with both missiles and gunfire. Tired and bit weary I look around and see the German flag on it's pole than holding and walking on it as if it's a cane and made my way to the soldiers. 

???'s POV

Note to self: Talk to Vaan about using napalm missiles on forests. 

Sarah: [yelling] It's the Kaiser! 

Her yelling that name made me snap out of my train of thought turning to her direction seeing our Kaiser such a tired state both her and I ran to him as he fall Sarah catches him. 

???: [on his ear piece] I need a Sanitater, now! Found his highness, I repeat found his highness! 

Johnny's POV

 After the young girl caught me just like the way my old principle did while i was dying. My vision start get blurry as a hear a man with a familiar voice. 

 Johnny's thought: Basch?    

Basch's POV

Sanitater: He just need rest and very dehydrated. 

German soldier: No thanks, to those schweins! [pig]

Basch: Get everyone back into the chopper and head for home. 

[A/N: Think of Germany pre-WW1 from the history book and put it in the world of Naruto say about 12,000 miles away from the nation of the wind.]

German soldiers: Jawoh, Generalfeldmarschall!   

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