Operation: Hide and Seek.

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[Pretend it's Nathan and no Los Ilminadoes images] 

Nathan's POV

After a few hours in the air, the lights turn green both Chris and I exchange good luck to each other and some jokes than get our masks on doubling checking each other and our metal case contain our equipments after Chris gives the jump master the thumbs up, he open the cargo door than we jump out of the plane. Damn the G-force is something I'm not used to. 

[use this for the scene plus, beautfill sky] 

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[use this for the scene plus, beautfill sky] 

After I landed and retrive my gear I hear a ring in my ear peice than answering it. 

[pretend that on the left is Orin and the right is Nathan

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[pretend that on the left is Orin and the right is Nathan.]

Orin: Punther 0-1, come in? 

Nathan: Punther 0-1, listening. 

Orin: Good, at least the comms didn't get hit by the tree branches. 

Nathan: It's either that or hit the lake. 

Orin: First thing is to head north and there should be a small village about 5 miles they should point you the way where the enemy went. 

Nathan: [loading his pistol] Roger that. Out. 

Orin: Good luck, Punther 0-1, out. 

Nathan rushes to the village and when he arrived all saw was death and destruction with very few survivors, Nathan walks to one of villagers and the survivors about to gang up on him till they say the Imperial flag on his shoulder then they let their guard down. 

Nathan: [looking at some of them] What happened here? 

Villager: [on a makeshift walking cane] Those bastards came here with her highness bound and gagged! We tried to fight back to rescue her but-. 

Nathan: [frowned] Is there anything I can do? 

Villager: [sad] Just give us time to moron for our losses. They went that way. 

Villager: [pointed the direction] Make them pay! 

Nathan: [nod] I make sure that they do and I sent you humanity aid. 

He runs on the path he was directed towards and calls on his codec. 

Orin: Hello? 

Nathan: Sending you coordinates to the village they have been through for medical pick up. 

Orin: Right, they're on their way. Chris, is patching in. 

Chris: Guys, the other party was a distraction! The real group is heading for their extraction point near Danzig! 

Orin: Good, bring the-. 

A gunshot was heard. 

Orin: Never mind, meet Nathan at their hideout, over. 

Chris: Alright. See you soon, Punther 0-1. Out. 

Orin: Nathan.

Nathan: Yep? 

Orin: Make sure at least one prisoner that is alive make it back, ok? 

Nathan: I try, man. 

Orin: That's all I ask of you, mate. Out. 

Nathan: Out. 

Nathan continues to run on the path for a few hours, he stops then takes out his solidus eye patch and switches to inferred vision then begins to walk off the trail. 

Nathan's thought: Walking off the path to avoid being tracked? Clever, but not enough. 

He continues to follow the trail for a while till he heard a female scream and he knew it was Naruko screaming top of her lungs he silently sneaks closer and sees Chris a few yards way and talked to him with his flash light. 

Nathan: [flashlight] Hostiles, less than a mile away. Possible building. 

Chris: [flashlight] Got it, one hostile survivor while wasting the other ass hats? 

Nathan: [flashlight] Yeah, go behind him and be careful for one of them might be one of those sensory people. 

Chris: [Flashlight] Race you. 

Nathan: [flashlight] Bet you 12 marks that we both get in and out with her Highness under 5 minutes? 

Chris: [flashlight] You're on! 

They follow their plan Chris and Nathan arrive at the temporary Leaf Ninja's safe house where the scream turned into blood curling screams. 

[Inside the sack] 

Leaf Ninja: [punches her in the face] Listen here, you bitch, you're nothing more than a weapon for our village! 

Naruko: [spits in his face] That place is NEVER my home village and Germany is my home! My father-! 

Leaf Ninja: [stab her leg with his kunai] Quite! You father is the Hokage Minamoto and your home is the village of the Hidden Leaf! 

Yamoto: [looking at his subordinate] Enough, she had enough! 

Leaf Ninja: Sir? 

Yamoto: You heard me, save your energy if we are being followed now everyone prepare yourself for the small patrol rounds and night time shifts! I will deal with her by myself, dismissed! 

Everyone leaves the only room in the small house leaving only him and Naruko. 

Yamoto: [sigh] Let me help you out, Naruko. 

Naruko: [crying] Why just why? 

Yamoto: [pulling out a medical kit] I wish, I knew. Remember, you always have some looking after you. 

Naruko: [moaning in pain as Yamoto gently pulls it out the bandaged it] .....

Yamoto: [looking at her in the eyes] I don't know what Germany has sent to track you down and most likely kill me and these... Unfriendly people who don't see you as who you are, Naruko. Just in case I die just remember this. 

Yamoto [places his necklace on Naruto's neck]: This necklace brought me a lot of luck even in my darkest moments so, hopefully it will be passed onto you, Highness. 

Yamoto gently hugs her and Naruko is crying. While outside of the house with Chris.

Chris's thoughts: I think I found our prisoner all right. 

Nathan: [on codec] Go loud. 

Chris: [codec] Take the guy with the face guards. I'll tell you later. 

Nathan: [codec] Right. 

After a short battle and knocking Yamoto out cold both Nathan and Chris called for evac before the others came back to their camp and shortly a helicopter lands with additional soldiers then the four boarded onto the helicopter and rode back to Berlin. 

Nathan: [looking at Naruko] Just like a hide and seek we play back at your home! 

Naruko: [sad] Yeah.   




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