International meeting summit 1

42 4 2

3rd POV

Both Orin and Johnny talking to each other and planning how to do the diplomatic meeting well while SEAL Team 6 is riding with them in a Odessa while Punther squad is flying beside them. 

Edgar: [adjusting some calibration to his main gun] This is Punther 1-5, Poppa bear, send traffic, over.

[Poppa Bear is the control tower back at the royal airport] 

Poppa bear: Roger, Punther 1-5. Just checking if we got a dot on you yet, over. 

Edgar: [quickly looking at the signal bar than looking back in front of him] Copy that. 

In Johnny's Odessa cock pit.

Pilot: Yes, we have signal. Currently heading over to sector 2-5-2-1 Alpha with Mother goose 1 to the meeting area, how copy? 

Poppa bear: Wilco, happy travels, over and out. 

Pilot: Over and out. 

In Punther's helicopter 

Nathan's POV

Nathan's thought: Out of all times. 

I gotten up from my seat and just slowly opening the door once it left a thin pocket of air I undid my pant's zipper and doing my personal job. 

Nathan: [relieved] Sweet lord. 

Edgar: [cheerful] Told you to not drink that much moonshine before flight! 

Nathan's thought: Me and my damn ego.

Jessica: [pissed] For the love of god! 

Nathan's thought: I'm fucked. 

Edgar's thought: Why I do I get in wacky issues?   

Karl: [on his seat with his Baldham Boars cap covering his face] ZZZ.

Helga: [reading the latest car magazine] How fast can I disable a Tesla car and make it on a diesel tank. HAHA!

At the same time. 

Orin: [face palm] For love of all things holy, let me down the bloody talking! 

Johnny: No, I want to make things exactly right! You can adjust to it. 

Orin: I swear to God. 

In the background. 

SEAL Team leader: They're arguing like old people. 

SEAL #2: Yeah. 

Back to Orin and Johnny

Johnny: [giving Orin the list] This is what I hope we can get out of this meeting. 

Orin: [looking at the list] Why me.

Johnny: You're the wanted it to be more of a job interview. 

Orin: I have three words at the moment. 

Johnny: ?

Orin: [goofy smirk] Fuck you, dude. 

Johnny than laugh along with Orin himself. 

Orin: [reviewing] Basically want a embassy with all major nations and Wave nation. 

Johnny: Yup. 

Orin: Only trade on civilian level of goods. 

Johnny: Yup. 

Orin: Lastly, If any one attack either us or other nations, it's a free for all? 

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