Operation: Search and clean.

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In the basement of the base with Woods and the deserters along with what's left of the base's staff and few recruits. 

Mason: [looking at the deserters] Welcome to my base or what's left of it, Vlod'ric. 

Radio man: [yelling from the makeshift communication room] Sir, sector 4 and 5 went dark! 

Mason: [mad and yelling at the radioman] Fuck! What about the other holdouts!? 

Radioman: Sector 2 and 3 have linked up and are holding in the armory area just barely! They can't move to another area because of the wounded! 

Woods: Let's send some of our guys to get their asses out! 

Radioman: Sir, they reported to spot snipers and machine gun drones. 

Mason: [surprised] I thought those things were locked down?!? 

Radioman: Whoever these assholes are they have good hackers to get through the fire walls! 

Mason: Where's the reinforcements? 

Radioman: [switching channels] On it! 

In the cockpit. 

Pilot #2: This is Boeing carrier "Globemaster", send message. 

Radioman: [at the base] Where are you guys! We won't last long! 

Pilot #2: We are 8 miles away before we open the drop pods, also three jet squadrons are taking care of any hostile reinforcements, how copy?  

Radioman: Got it, just hurry! Over and out! 

Pilot #2: [looking at the main pilot] Fly at 8 miles up and wake them up. 

Pilot #1: Wilco. 

In the cargo bay the lights went green giving everyone the heads up and getting in their squad's pods. 

Azumi: [clearly nervous] These things? 

Sweets: Yep, drop pods.

Azumi: I'll use the parachute

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Azumi: I'll use the parachute. 

Haggs: [playful] Sit on my lab if you're that scared. 

Azumi: [creeped out] Nope. 

Shepard: You're the one-. 

Azumi: [blushing] Shut up!! 

Sweets: [under his breath] He did warn you. 

Azumi: [defeated] Sweets, just zip it. 

Haggs and his squad get into their own pods as the bottom screen came on and two screens on the door came on. 

Haggs: [on camera] If anyone has a prayer now is the time. 

Sweets: Yo, Marloe! 

Marloe: [yawn] Next time either one of you Jackels smack my face with a rifle again I'm going to shove my boot up one of you assess! 

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