Diplomatic ties and Foreign aid.

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In the office of the Kamikaze's office with Johnny and Antoni along with Gaara and Woods. 

Antoni: [clam and serious] I see. The leaf village will try to form allies to conquer our lands? 

Johnny: [taking a sip of water] Yeah. This would be a third Ninja war [basically world war] and they're attempting to try to get their weapon aka Naruko that is my daughter back and it's more than likely they would attack you. 

Antoni: [thinking and listening] Hmm. What do you suggest?  

Johnny: I agreed to your alliance tomorrow I send weapons and the ammunition along with training advisors to train your soldiers. 

Johnny: [bit worried] What do you require in return as a sign of good faith? 

Antoni: [caught off guard] None-sense! I will assign my adoptive son, Gaara to be a hostage for a few months! 

Gaara: [standing up from his seat] Yes, father. 

Johnny's thought: [face plum] I forgot that they operate on semi medieval treaties and agreements!  

Woods's thought: I might need Mason to lend me a hand on this kid. 

A/N's joke: What the NUMBERS mean, Mason!?!

Johnny: [offering his hand] Very well, Antoni. He will be treated like a son to me. In the next week I will arrive to oversee the training and those who I will send may be brutal but effective however, none of them have chakra so, have your shinobi to get easy with them, alright? 

Antoni: I will do my best, few of them are blood thirsty and I will tell them to stay out of the training so no lives won't be lost or at the very least in the hospital. 

Johnny: [relief] That's all I ask, man. 

They shook hands with Gaara, Woods, and Johnny leaving Antoni's office then boarded the helicopter and took off. 

Woods: [looking at the Kaiser] That was easy. 

Johnny: [sigh] This upcoming war might be a literal nightmare mainly due to civilian lives being used. 

Woods: [being Woods] No shit, Johnny! 

Pilot #1: <<Staff Sergeant, show his Majesty respect!>> 

Woods: [not looking at him] Fuck you! 

Pilot #1: Get the hell out of my helicopter! 

Woods: [not caring] Nope! 

Pilot #1: Spec ops, I swear! 

Gaara: [looking at Johnny] Are they normally like this? 

Gaara: [looking at Johnny] Are they normally like this? 

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Johnny: [light sigh] That's team X-ray for you. 

Gaara: How big is this team? 

Johnny: These two pilots, Charlie and Mark for obsessive reason, Woods their weapons expert and known to go nuts in the heat of battle and cussing machine but means no harm, Weaver and Hudson is the team's interrogation and intelligence experts, and finally Mason the unit's leader. Together they're known as Team X-ray. 

Gaara: Where in the bench they're in?

Johnny: Special Operations or Spec Ops known doing the mud not the normal military want to do. 

Woods: [looking at Gaara] We take different missions according to the requirements. Two members are heading guarding a diplomat to Nihon. 

Gaara: For? 

Woods: Sorry, kid. Can't tell ya! 

Johnny: Gaara, you may like my country. You're free to walk around and talk to the locals and my daughter but under the watch of Woods and Mason.  

Woods: The hell?! 

Johnny: [smirk] That's right both of you guys, are watching Gaara. You don't mind Gaara? 

Gaara: [nervous] Don't think it would be a problem? 

Woods and Johnny: Yes/Nope! 

Johnny: I know ya hate staying away from an action packed mission but ya have to suck it up!   

Woods's thought: Fuck me! 

Johnny: [looking at Gaara] You will have your own room and if you need anything just ask either Woods or Mason even me. Ok?

Gaara: Ok. 

Pilot #2: 30 minutes till we hit the air carrier "SMS Kaiser Barbarossa" than be a day or two on the way home!  

Pilot #1: Remember that bar note, my Kaiser. 

Johnny: [light laugh] I did lose that bet. 

Woods: What game? 

Johnny: Drinking and few rounds of dots. 

Woods: Figured! 

Gaara: So what can I do at your capital, Mr. Bismark? 

Johnny: Anything you please. Just follow both Woods and Mason's advice and rules that you are golden! 

Gaara: Will do. 

30 minutes later on the air carrier and after dinner Johnny was called to the bridge for an emergency once he entered the bridge the Captain of the ship informed him. 

Captain: Sir, there's a rather large naval blockage in front of us.

Johnny: [serious] May I ask why and where they're from?  

Captain: I'm unsure, however, their ships are too small to commence any boarding actions and can ram them over without issues. 

Johnny: That doesn't mean they can jump on board and wreak havoc on us! I want everyone to be armed and on guard, make sure there's patrols anywhere near any openings inside. IF they enter shoot to kill is permitted. Only leave one alive, got it! 

Captain: Aye, sir! 

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