Old friends on a mission

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A day after Nathan and Jessica came from a rather short mission and enter to the barracks. 

Jessica:  [bored sigh] That was a short mission. 

Nathan: [getting on his bed] At least we didn't get shot at this time! 

Jessica: [sitting on her chair reading a magazine] I pity those damn fouls that getting fucked up.

Nathan: [grinning] I just wonder who in the hell came up with that stupid idea of infiltrating a harbor through wine brawls!? What are they alcoholics? 

Jessica: [covering her mouth with her right hand and giggle] That I admit that is rather funny. 

Than the door suddenly opens revealing two of the squad mates holding onto each others shoulders with bottles in their hands. 

  [A/N: Something like this]

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  [A/N: Something like this]

Than they begin to sing and continue singing. 

Karl: [blushing heavy] Ho! Ho! Ho!

Edgar: [blushing heavy] Zur Flasche geh ich.

Karl: Um mein, Herz zu heilen und meiner Kummer zu ertranken.

Edgar: Regen mag fallen und Wind mag wehen.

Karl: Und viele Meilen sind noch zu gehen.

They gotten closer to their respective beds. 

Karl: Doch unter einem hohen Baum will ich liegen.

Pass out on the floor

Edgar: [barely on his bed] Und lass die Wolken vuruberfliegen.

He too pass out on his bed with his lower half hanging off the bed. 

[In English]

Ho! Ho! Ho! To the bottle I goTo heal my heart and drown my woe.Rain may fall and wind may blow,And many miles be still to goBut under a tall tree I will lie,And let the clouds go sailing by.

Both Nathan and Jessica minds just stopped working. 

Nathan and Jessica: ...... 

Than Helga about to walk in than notice the odd scene than turn around and walking away without a word. 

Nathan: [looking at Jessica] Coffee? 

Jessica: [slightly panicking] Let's get out of here and go to therapy after seeing this shit! 

Both running out of the barrack and their separate ways.

Nathan's thought: Coffee, my ass! No amount of therapy can help my ass now! 

Jessica: [on her phone and walking] Yes. 

Phone: How many? 

Jessica: All of them!

Over to Johnny and his body guard, Bache. 

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