New Head of Espionage

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Another hour of this torture, and Alexandra was sure she would evaporate. Her palms and neck were wetter than clouds, sweat trickled down her hairline, onto her temple and traced her jaw, finally dripping down with a slight tip into the armor.

Her arms were sore in the uncomfortable position, her fingers had lost all sensation and the place were Moira's hilt was pressing against her stomach, was numb.

Still, outside, the discussions were raging. And Alexandra was glad to be able to hear.

The two men had lit up a dozen lamps in different corners of the room, one was right behind Alexandra - its increased heat the reason she was currently on the verge of death. 

But she could recognize four voices.

Austin's, the Doveland Commander's, the General's and the same Ethorian Diplomat's. Rest were all unknown to her, they mingled into one another, all sounding remotely the same after such a long time. They were going on and on about how they were ready for any war-like scenario.

Alexandra's thoughts wandered off to Fannel's last letter.

By the August of last year, the two individuals - Marilyn and he - had agreed on a ceasefire - a cordial friendship at least. Then, in the same November they had decided to meet up in Losiane on Eleventh January - of which Alexandra had got to know from Diana.

On the fourteenth, he had sent her a certain, interesting letter. An ashen faced Jade had dropped it on her head and escaped through the window, not wanting to deliver the reply as well.

It had been pleasant to read such a letter. Especially since the best things he had been calling Marilyn a few months ago was "Stupid girl". The first sentence itself told Alexandra how successful that meeting had been - Eleventh January also being his birthday.

I'm an utter fool, he had written, have it Mabel - you were right, I guess Mary was right too. I was wrong...that I took it so dramatically when she just proposed an idea. The way she handled this... last night- all that misunderstanding, all that drama and emotions I was piling up. I gave it a serious thought just now... it's bitter, but it's true- Mary isn't selfish. I was selfish. When I was in Vellesmere- it was such a baleful location. So disturbed, so dangerous. But it was home, and I loved it- I wouldn't leave. It's the very same thing...Losiane might be bad, Losiane might not be anything equal to Idgard, but for somebody who's lived their entire life there... for Marilyn, at least I, of all people, should have understood how much it mattered.
And even after that, even after more than half the fault being mine - Mary was the first one to apologize. She was the first one to own up to mistakes. And she made me realize how earnestly I love her - leave out those parts. You understand this much, Sister - Marilyn's your sister-in-law now. Did I ever say we were going to start as friends all over again? Forget about it. We're engaged.
P.S. Marilyn was pretty hostile until I went on my knees and asked for forgiveness - her tender, girlish fury is amusing...

Even with the utterly uncomfortable atmosphere around her, Alexandra couldn't help smiling every time she thought about it. Though partly - she wondered how they would proceed - Fannel wasn't the type to elope, no. Marilyn wasn't either - they were two proper and prudent individuals.

You'll have time for that, idiot! Listen to them right now! Mind snapped at her.

Alexandra agreed ... she would have a lot of time to think about it, and talk to Mary and Mark, right now, these people were the ones to be heard.

'So, we can say that Doveland shall be the linchpin?' The Ethorian Diplomat asked, 'Or are there any objections?'

'If Ethoris and Cartania - are willing to provide full support,' Austin conceded, 'we are fine with it.'

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