An Effortless Revenge

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'Why do you always get head injuries?!' Liam demanded later on from Alexandra. Himself, he was not looking even grazed. 'Are you okay?' He then asked, the two swords he had used again, dripping red. For a while it struck Alexandra as ironical - he was the one who had fought fifty men, and then was asking her if she was okay...

Dispelling that idea, she threw her arms around him in reply. Liam dropped the swords to reciprocate - for a glorious moment, Alexandra didn't feel she was in any dungeon; surroundings didn't matter at all. Then-

'As much as I appreciate the openness - this is not the best time!' Fannel reminded, clearly exasperated.

'Right.' Both of them accepted-  at once, 'and this,' Alexandra continued, unfastening Liam's cloak, 'is too bloodstained to be worn.'

He shrugged, 'Whatever you say,' and let the cloak crumple on the ground, 'now - where's your mad aunt at?'

'Aunt?!' Demanded Fannel, taking a step forward, brows furrowed.

'Sort of an aunt,' Liam corrected, 'more of an inside joke - actually. Anyhow, the mad woman?'

'The highest security Cell.' Alexandra continued hurriedly, before Fannel got more suspicious, 'It will be the lowest one.' She added. The three of them left the groaning sentries on the ground and turned to descend further into the dungeons.

'But why do we need her?!' Alexandra demanded - after recounting in bits and pieces almost all of what had happened. Including parts about Nicholas being alive - hearing which, neither of men appeared very surprised.

'We don't want any more wars.' Liam professed - reminding Alexandra of Nicholas, 'the only way - is to take her to Austin - and end it. The Dovish, meanwhile, will attack if we don't get her to confess her crimes. Before coming here, I asked the commander to follow only his orders - to wait at the border. If we didn't get Sabel's confession out, then he could attack. And... let's say, sort things out his way.'

'Why would you give him your troops?!' Alexandra demanded again, even more hotly - why should there be the need of giving the entire army! Alright - political reasons, obviously - but what?

Liam looked at her for a second, descending the stone steps - Alexandra didn't catch his expression in the dark. 'When you want to marry somebody's sister, you have to keep them happy. And those subtle laws of surrender and defeat in war can be anyone's doom,' he explained, in a whisper, 'because he surrendered, Austin still holds the right to lift off your exile any second and drag you back to Doveland with all brotherly authority. And,' he added the "and" audibly, 'that King was extremely furious and everything - the troops were a peace offering. More of a deal, that in case we didn't succeed and that I, myself, ended up in one of these cellars - there should be somebody to lead them. Though, I spent twenty eight valuable minutes explaining why he shouldn't attack right away and only wait at the outskirts - at least for half a week-'

'But he's already attacked.' Alexandra cried, as they rushed down more steps. No guards were left around: most had run off to call help, reinforcements. But there was obviously no one left to call, because the troops were all in for a battle.


'I heard the messenger say that, the reason Nicholas went away in such a haste - Nicholas said he'd try to talk. But why would Austin listen to him?! He won't even believe that the man is actually Nicholas. Somebody who was supposed to be dead!' She explained. Liam shook his head slowly, cursing.

'That dirty double-crosser - you see if I ever find him-' Then he stopped, looking at Alexandra, who looked ahead of them, into the darkness.

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