Chapter 28: bisexual and accepted

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Lucy's POV:

I was nervous. Any adult or former home that knew I was bisexual often turned on me or abandoned me. I wanted to tell Lin and Vanessa. I really did. But what if they were the same as so many adults? I was currently in daddy dressing room. It was pretty nice and comfy. I liked it. I stayed here whenever Lin was at a show. Yes his parents could always check on me if i was at the apartment but I loved being at the theater. The cast was so sweet and fun to be with.

I heard dad walk in, he had just finished rehearsal and had a little time to spend with me. I smiled at him "hi dad" I said. Looking up at him. I scooted over on the sofa he had so he could sit with me.

He smiled sitting beside me "hi ninita, how are you doing?" He asked me. He often asked me that now after everything thats happened. But that's understandable. And I asked him the question too a lot, though he often told me he was okay.

I smiled gently "I'm alright. Hey um dad? Can I tell you something?" I asked. I was nervous but I trusted him. He wouldn't abandon me. He was my dad, my REAL dad, not only adopted but biological. It also wasn't in his nature to abandon a loved one.

"Of course sweetheart, you can tell me anything" he smiled gently. His eyes kind and reassuring me that I could tell him anything at all.

"Okay well...I-I'm bisexual dad...I like boys and girls..." I said and tensed cause I was scared what he may say.

"Ninita.." Lin smiled gently "that's wonderful. Love whoever you want to love. Love is Love ninita" he said. He gently put a hand on my shoulder

I looked up at him and smiled. Tearing up with relief as I hug him tightly "thank you dad. Thank you thank you thank you" I said relieved "your the first person to accept me for who I am...." I sniffled

He gently wiped away my tears and kissed my forehead "your my ninita, my daughter, of course I'll accept you. But regardless I am an ally to the lgbtq and trans community. I full heartedly believe love is love" he smiled.

I smiled and hugged him. I was so lucky to have such amazing parents, i knew mom would be accepting too. I looked up at my dad "mom will be okay with it right?"

He nodded "absolutely mija, I promise she'll be accepting and supportive of you" he said and rubbed my head gently.

Later on when we had headed home, mom was home and I went to explain to her that I was bisexual. As dad had promised she was indeed supportive of me, saying that love was love, and for me to love whoever I wanted. Dad was definitely protective though and said if i found someone and they hurt me that he would do what he had to in order to keep me safe

I smiled. I was lucky to have a protective dad and mom. Both I knew would keep me safe from the harm that sometimes others caused for relationships

A/N: so Ik this is super short. Next chapter will be longer I promise. Thanks for reading! Hitting a small writers block but will shake it off for next chapter

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