Chapter 14: she's my daughter?!

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A/N: congrats to Lin on the PCA awards Sunday! And thank you xbroadway_girlx  for help writing this! She wrote the beginning part!

Lin's POV:
Lucy, V, and I were walking down the sidewalks of Puerto Rico eating piraguas. We were talking and laughing until I heard somebody say in a heavy accent, "Lin? Eres tu?" (Lin? Is that you?) I turned around and saw my ex fling Camilla.

I sighed and turned to V saying, "Uno minuto V, volveré enseguida" (One minute V, I'll be right back) V looked at me with confusion as I sighed again and walked towards Camilla.

"Sí, soy yo," I said. (Yes, it's me)

"Ay Lin, ha sido tan largo!" (Oh Lin, it's been so long!)

"Sí," I muttered.

She continued to talk with me until V walked up and said , "Hola, uhm-Quienquiera que seas, ¿cómo conoces a Lin?"
(Hi, uhm- whoever you are, how do you know Lin?)

Well, Vanessa- this is my..... ex-fling" I said. "But don't worry!" I quickly added. "This was before we even started dating!" V nodded, skeptical. "Lin, does she speak English?" V asked. I nodded my head and V whispered, "oh."

"Quien eres tu?" She asked V. (Who are you?) Vanessa scoffed and said, "Yo soy el esposa." (I am his wife)
Camilla was quiet and she looked around. When she saw Lucy her eyes widened. "Lin, como tienes Lucy?" I furrowed my eyebrows and asked, "Camilla, what are you talking about?"
"Tu hablo ingles??" Camilla asked surprised. "Yes." I said. "Now what did you mean about Lucy."
Camilla looked ashamed. "Lin..." she began. "Lucy is, mine. She's my daughter." My eyes widened. "Bu-" I said. "And," Camilla interrupted. "You're the father."
"What?!" I exclaimed. "When we had our short fling I got pregnant from you. But I didn't think of contacting you." She said.
"In thirteen years you didn't think of CONTACTING me about MY child?" I asked growing angry. Camilla looked down ashamed. "I'm so sorry Lin." She said quietly.
"If she's your- ours." I said. "Why did I find her in New York." "I- I'm so sorry Lin." She started. "I was young and scared. I gave her up for adoption as soon as I birthed her."
"Do you know all the shit Lucy has been through with the foster system?!" I asked growing more and more angry. "She's been through so much and if you would've simply CALLED me telling me about MY child, I could've protected her and she wouldn't have even had to GO through all this!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry," Camilla cried. I scoffed, "Sorry? Just- sorry after not telling me about my own daughter?!" "Well you were so busy with In The Heights!" She backed up. "I didn't want to intervene."

"You don't think I would've taken care of MY OWN child over my show?" I asked. "Whatever."

" L-Lin?" I heard a voice softly say. I turned around to see Lucy standing there shocked. I turned to V her standing there equally shocked.
"Ninita...V-" I frown as I look at my girls. V looked shocked and Lucy looked confused and shocked but I knew this was more at Camilla for abandoning her like that.
Lucy's POV:
My world was turned upside down now, Lin was my real dad, my mother had abandoned me- then who was it that kidnapped me that one time. I was shaking as I felt Lin's arms soon around me. He was holding me close trying his best to comfort me and calm me down. I held on a bit and looked at Camilla "why-..." I asked softly. Wanting and needing an answer. Camilla frowned "Lucy- nina I'm so sorry..." she said softly. I frowned shaking my head as I ran, ran to get away from all this, "Lucy!" Lin called out. Vanessa frowned "Lin- we have to go after her, Puerto Rico isn't safe for her to be running around alone" she said.
-a few hours later-
I now lay scared and sniffling, hurt from the news i had heard. Not of Lin being my dad. No that was good. He's so sweet, but that my own mother abandoned me like that. It hurt. I jumped when a hand gently rubbed my shoulder, I looked up and it was Lin "d-dad..." I whimpered. I saw him smile sadly as he sat down beside me and hold me close, which in all honesty I needed right now. I sniffled against his shirt and composed myself as he muttered gentle comforts like "its okay..." and "I got you baby girl..." a good twenty minutes later I finally calmed down "daddy- who is Camilla? Why did she abandon me..." I asked sadly.
He frowned "I wish i knew why...scared or not she should have contacted me" he sighed. "I'm so sorry Lu..." he said ruffling my hair. Camilla had long since left after leaving a note with Vanessa of apology. She couldn't bare seeing her daughter hurt anymore. Lin looked at me softly and he guided me back to mom so we could go to our hotel room, tomorrow would be better, we'd rest up and have some beach time the next day. Me and my mom Vanessa and my dad Lin, I was Lucy Miranda. I'm a Miranda with pride.

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