Chapter 7: Warning Signs

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Lucy's POV:
Things had been going smoothly this past month. Sure i had the occasional nightmare and in which Lin or Vanessa would help me calm down, but the nightmares were less now. However this wouldn't be long lived. I had no clue at the time but things were making a slow decline for me. I'd soon realize what was to happen. It started off when i went to the theater with dad. As we walked inside i saw two figures in the distance watching us, my heart ached and dropped in fear and i froze up. Lin must've seen cause his hands were on my shoulders "Lu?" He asked gently. I whimper and say "m-my old parents, look..." i say softly but he hears me. His gaze goes ahead and he sees my abusive family rush off. He huffs and rubs my shoulders soothingly as he guides me inside "I promise you Lu, they won't lay a hand on you" he promised me. I nodded as i shivered. Remembering all the pain, the beatings, the bruises and cuts. The trauma. I was terrified and clung to dad for dear life until we were safe inside the theater. He didn't let go though. He wouldn't until i did. He sighed softly and sat down holding me we we sat on the stage. "Lucy, listen to me, i promise you. Your a Miranda now, they can't touch you, if they do we can legally sue them and file a court claim" he assured. I nodded weakly and sighed "they'll hurt you though..." I whimpered. Lin gently rubbed my back "shh..I promise that isn't going to happen" he soothed to me. He soon had to catch me as i had slipped into a slumber from exhaustion from what had happened. He laid me on the sofa of his dressing room. Big mistake...
Lin's POV:
I had to begin rehearsal, so knowing or assuming Lucy would be safe i head to the main stage and we began rehearsing. We ran through the numbers and safety procedures as we always did. Anyway to prevent stage accidents was something i was willing to do, even if that meant always refreshing the safety tips. Rehearsal ran a good chunk of the day, it went smoothly, a few bumps but we got them sorted out. I was in a pretty good mood until
I heard it- a scream. From my dressing room. Lucy...!
Lucy's POV:
I was relaxing when it had happened. I was writing in my journal while listening to the cast practice. I had opened the window for some air. It had been just fine until someone two figures had snuck their way up and into the room. One put their hand over my mouth and the other hit the side of my head with something hard. Pain and dizziness filled me as i slumped forward. The figures gagged me and bound me up. Quietly sneaking out. My head ached like crazy, what had they hit me with? 'Dad? Was he and everyone else safe?! Dad!' Was all my thoughts could think in the darkness of my vision.
Lin's POV:
I ran fast to my dressing room, my heart dropped to my stomach as i saw no Lucy, a window open, and evident signs of struggle. The chair tipped and her belongings scattered. It was then i came to that dreaded conclusion. My dear baby girl had been captured! Seeing her parents earlier this morning had been a warning? He sighed softly and shakily and began contacting law enforcement and his wife. He would find and rescue Lucy. He would "hang in there Lu...daddy's coming..."

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