Chapter 16: Thanksgiving Special

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A/N: this chapter may be tad late cause my cousin is flying in today 11/20, so I'll be with him a lot. We're planning at least a few people to share family time and food with. Anywho enjoyyyy

Lin's POV:
I was in the kitchen helping V with preparations and cooking for thanksgiving. Lucy would also be helping per her very insistent request. It seemed she definitely enjoyed cooking which I found to be awesome. Once she got home today she'd be able to help us as she would officially be on Thanksgiving Break. Currently I was dicing up ingredients for things we could make ahead. Tomorrow we'd be making the turkey and so forth.

"This is exciting, our first Thanksgiving with Lu" I smile as I look over at V.

V nodded happily "she'll be able to have a happy holiday season now that she's safe with us, I'm thinking of making her favorite dessert too for the holiday" she smiles. Lucy's favorite was pecan pie ((A/N: my fave too))

I smile nodding "she'll love that" I said as I began cubing the bread to dry out in time for the stuffing. I liked making it as much by scratch as I could. Unless of course I was too tired but this time I was so incredibly hyper I'd be just fine

Lucy walked in a few minutes later and smiled as she looked over at us "hi mom, hi dad!" She grinned and went over to greet us and hug us.

Grinning i turn and scooped her up "hiya kiddo! How was school?" I asked

"It was great!" She smiled and hugged me happily. I chuckled happily at this and held her close

We then all began cooking together, Lucy didn't have much homework persay so we just got to cooking. Lucy helping with what she could. Some things were a bit unsafe for her, like huge knives or hot temperatures. I didn't want to risk her getting hurt at all. So mostly I let her do simple enough things were she wouldn't risk any harm. Which she didn't mind thankfully. I was glad she wasn't too stubborn of a kid. Which she probably got more from Camilla as I was stubborn as could be sometimes, even now I was so incredibly stubborn. I look over and saw Lucy helping V with the stuffing, I smile proud of my girls. They had bonded so well over their time knowing each other

"Lu, wanna help me set out the silverware and plates?" I ask grinning at her.

She nodded happily and bounced over "mhm" she said happily, I smile and together we got the plates set and silverware out for the meal. The meal would be ready shortly now, we had started the turkey early enough where it would be ready by around maybe 4 P.M or so. I felt Lucy hug me suddenly and I smile down at her gently as I hugged her back.

"Happy thanksgiving kiddo" I said gently.

"Happy thanksgiving dad" she smiled. She eventually let go and went to help V with any last minute things

I then went to get Sebby and Fransisco into their high chairs so that they'd also be ready to eat. My mom and dad had soon arrived and we were all pretty much ready now for a good time. We all got seated and began filling our plates with lots of good tasty food

"Lu, how's everything been?" My dad asked. He had recently heard of the situation with Camilla and wanted to check on her

"Its great Abuelo, Mom and dad are the best, so are my little brothers and Tobi. How are things for you?" She asked

He smiled glad that we were all alright "things are alright for us too. Everything's been pretty calm"

We talked and ate for awhile. Enjoying each other's company. Thanksgiving was a time to be grateful and share time with family. That's always how I was raised to know it, yes Thanksgiving sometimes got a mixed rep but really in the end it boils down to just being thankful for what you have and sharing a good meal with loved ones.

-a few hours later-

After we had eaten a good meal and dessert we were all sleepy and full. We were sat on the sofas resting and talking. We had wanted to play a game but we had been too sleepy and full to do so. So instead we just chatted and hung out instead for now anyways till the food wore off some. I smile as I felt Lucy slumped against my shoulder sleeping softly, I wrapped an arm around her and held her safely against me so she'd know everything was okay, I got her and I'd always do my best to protect her. Especially after everything she'd been through, bullying, kidnapped, injured in a stage accident. I'd protect my baby girl always.

V must've seen this in my emotions as she gently rubbed my other shoulder to comfort me. We weren't talking as we didn't want to wake the sleeping Lucy. She rarely ever slept so peacefully so we figured now was good as ever to let her sleep. She needed the rest thats for sure. I gently rubbed Lucy's head in a soothing way that wouldn't wake her but would continue to help her feel safe with us

Soon later that evening my parents had gone home. V was putting the boys to bed and I was carrying Lucy up to bed. She was half asleep now as she had woken up. Apparently my presence was comforting to her though cause she was having trouble staying awake. So i just said soothing words to her to soothe her back into a peaceful state of slumber.

"Love you Lu" I soothed gently.

"Love you too dad" she smiled softly and was soon asleep. This had been a wonderful thanksgiving. A perfect first one with our little Lucy

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