Chapter 8: taken and saved

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Lucy's POV:
I was so scared. Where was i...i slowly realized my hands and ankles were tied tightly. They rubbed at my wrists which stung. I flinched when i heard voices approaching. Whoever it was surely they were not allies. Or I got lucky and dad had found me, but I hoped he was staying safe. It could be dangerous here.
I heard banging through cupboards and i saw a group of two walk in- my old parents...
My dad walked up to me first with a chilling smile "hello dear" he said maliciously. He forcefully grabbed my jaw and shoved something in my mouth to muffle my cries "can't have anyone hearing you and busting in can we?" He chuckled. He laid a blow, a powerful one to my stomach. I grunted and coughed on the gag. My mother, she simply stood watching. Even if she wanted to stop him she couldn't, that for one would be too dangerous. He wasn't even going to ask questions, he was weakening me, or trying to kill me. Whichever. When he saw i kept forcing myself up he landed a hard fierce blow to my head making me dizzy and my vision flicker almost to black. "You think daddy will save you? This place is insanely hard to find! But if he does find you, I'll play fair and your his for the taking" he snarled. My head was pounding as was my gut. I groaned in pain. He hit my head again and i blacked out, my head and everything just hurt.
Lin's POV:
I was in a frantic state of panic. Vanessa was too, we were worried for Lucy, I was about ready to personally go find her myself but the law officials we contacted advised we wait. They would do what they could to locate her and track her down. She could be anywhere, literally anywhere. New York was huge and if she was taken- I let out a shaky sigh. This was really scary. I hadn't done many shows since Lucy vanished. I did a couple knowing Lu would want me to, and Vanessa said it could help ease my mind and prevent me from doing anything reckless. Eventually we were contacted by the police with a couple updates. "We've comes across a few people that may have recently seen Lucy. Every person we ask though unfortunately each lead us to believe Lucy is in danger" an officer said to us on the phone. That made me more worried, knowing my baby girl was in danger and most likely absolutely terrified. "Do we know any possible locations for us to find her?" I ask desperately as I hold my panicked wife close in a gentle embrace. "We have a few locations yes and we've sent our best teams to each. We will call you when and if she is found in either location" the officer assured. I nod and shakily thank him as i look to Vanessa "we'll find her V...I promise" i said shakily. She nodded and clung on, scared for our daughter
-a few weeks later-
I was at the theater trying to occupy my mind some when i got the phone call. It had been nearly a month. An now an officer had called, "Mr. Miranda?" The officer spoke "we found your daughter. Would you like to come with for the rescue?" He asked. I desperately nodded "absolutely" i managed a calm reply despite my state of being in relieved panic. I was told to meet up with the officer group and I did so. I contacted V and she was immensely relieved to know Lucy had been found, I was too, I missed her and cared for her. Soon we arrived at an empty warehouse. I was told to wait as they went in and did their job, after a nerve wracking maybe twenty minutes they emerged. In one officer's arms, a beaten, unconscious, shaking, and frail Lucy. "L-Lu!" I cried and ran over, Lucy was gently placed in my arms as a hospital and ambulance was contacted. She'd need it, she looked in pretty rough condition and i feared what all could've happened. Once the ambulance arrived I was allowed in with her. I gently held her hand and began singing Dear Theodosia to her hoping she was hearing me.
Lucy's POV:
When I did wake everything ached, my side, my head, my ribs, a lot had happened those three weeks. Traumatic things. I had wanted nothing more then to just go home to Lin and V and my brothers. When I woke I was on instinct in panic, when i found out and was told I was safe I eased some. My vision was a bit blurry and I was told of head trauma being one of my conditions. Dad had been given a list on everything as well. I had been prescribed pain killers and other medications. When I saw Lin walk in I smiled feebly "d-dad" I said just barely, Lin heard me though and ran over, gently hugging me close in his arms "L-Lucy" he said in relief. I weakly clung onto him in a hug as i cried softly into his chest with relief. He held me tighter but still carefully, he didn't want to accidentally hurt me. He merely wanted to comfort me and that was a good thing, I'd be needing it...and for a long while as well...recovery and healing would be no easy process. I didn't even want to remember half of what happened to me those three weeks I had been taken and toyed with. I was exhausted from it all and the last I remember was falling asleep in Lin's arms.
Lin's POV:
I sighed softly with relief and worry. Relieved my daughter was home but worried cause she still seemed so drained. I knew a long recovery was ahead. I gently lay her down in the hospital bed again and sat in the chair beside her bed. I wasn't leaving her anytime soon which thankfully the doctors had allowed me to stay. V had been here too but when it got late I told her to go home and get some rest which after some convincing she finally agreed to. Now it was just Lucy and I. I would watch over her and be there if she needs anything and all. We'd all get through this together.

A/N: ik its kinda short or blah idk. I doubt my writing but i felt I should update and write something so, here-

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