Chapter 2: talking about adoption

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Lucy stayed with Lin most of the day. He didn't want her returning to her abusive home situation. She didn't mind, Lin seemed to be kind as ever. So she much rather be with him then back home. Currently they were looking into adoption. Lin was on the phone with Lucy's social worker "hello miss, your Lucy's social worker correct?" He asked. The kind worker nodded "that's correct, I'm Miss Annie, I've been working with Lucy since she was ten. I received the files that you wish to adopt her. Is this correct Mr. Miranda?" she asked. Lin nodded as he watched Lucy absentmindedly exploring his dressing room. He didn't mind really, she seemed happy and thats what counted right now "yes ma'am thats correct" he said answering the question. The conversation lasted two minutes maybe three minutes. They talked about the process. How Lin would have to foster Lucy while a background check was done. Then they could begin the phase to make things official. To officially make Lucy a Miranda if she chose to take on the last name. Which she would, her current one brought only painful memories. A new one may not be so bad. Eventually then Lin smiled kindly at Lucy "lets get you some ice for the bruises then i can take you to my place" he soothed as he rubbed her back carefully and gently. She nodded and smiled. Following him to the clinic area where Lin wrapped ice packs in cloths for Lucy. He knew she may need a couple as she had a few painful bruises in particular. He took a cloth wrap and tied the one ice pack against her rib area. Then handed her the other for her arms. She sat down with him a moment as he called Vanessa to tell her about Lucy and the situation. Vanessa would be able to help being a scientist and lawyer she could help in Lucy's case against her abusive family. After the call he took Lucy home. Where his oldest Sebastian and the still almost just a baby Fransisco their second son was. Vanessa was holding Fransisco as she smiled gently at Lucy "hello dear" she greeted and went to her "I'm Vanessa, this is our youngest Fransisco, and Sebastian is watching Chuggington before his nap" she said gently. Lucy smiled nodding "its nice to meet you all, thank you all again for doing this" she said softly so as not to wake the sleeping Fransisco. Lin walked to beside Lucy with a smile "I'm glad we can help. I don't like when i know someone is in need but I can't I always do what i can" he said with kind eyes. He was one of the kindest souls you could meet. In a way Lucy looked like him, her hair brown and shoulder length and brown eyes, she wore glasses though and a Hamilton hoodie and jeans. She had a little backpack with some various things. She was obviously shorter then Lin. She looked pretty tired and so Lin guided her to her room and to bed. Where he sang her a gentle lullaby until he saw she had fallen asleep. Placing a gentle kiss to her forehead he stood and went to begin making supper. See it would take a couple hours, he was making enchiladas. One of his signature dishes. He couldn't wait to surprise Lucy with them. His eyes sparking as he began cooking.

A/N: idk how this will go or end up but with encouragement from xbroadway_girlx I will continue writing ^^

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