Chapter 9: healing

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Lucy's POV:
I was still pretty exhausted and sore. I after a few days or so, however many. Thats all a blur. I Had been allowed home, Lin had done all he could to keep by my side. I went with him to the theater or we'd stay home and watch Disney films. As I was still healing the school suggested i stay home. Lin agreeing as he was paranoid over it all still. He didn't want me leaving and then have somebody or something happen that caused me more pain. Currently i was beside him, my head against his shoulder as we watched t.v. My eyes soft, per a miracle my vision hadn't been bugged up by all the blows to my head when i was taken. I did get nasty headaches though. Lin and Vanessa both had learned the best remedy was painkillers and ice, along with a dark room. Light would just spark up the pain even more. The headaches were a bit more spaced out, which was good as i always got so tired whenever they happened. I felt Lin's arm around me and I felt safe. The Mirandas were the first kind and caring family I've had. They were incredibly kind and patient, accepting and caring, and they listened. They would be by my side at a moment's notice whenever it would be needed, I was very grateful as sometimes i worried i was a burden, though they always assured I wasn't and that they loved me dearly, my mind just plagued me with thoughts always. Even though Lin and V constantly had to reassure.
"How are you nina?" Lin asked as he looked over at me, wanting to be sure I was doing fine.
I smile gently "I'm alright, a bit sore but otherwise fine, thankfully. How are you dad?" I asked knowing how stressed he had been over the situation which had worried me greatly.
"I'm alright now, now that your back safe with us and we can make sure no one hurts you again" he said with gentle and caring eyes. I smile a bit and nod. I was lucky. Having been brought in by such a kind family. A welcoming neighborhood too overall, Washington Heights was quieter then the hustle bustle of the main street area. That would be an overwhelming area to live. I must've become tired cause last thing I remembered was the muffled sound of the movie and someone gently scooping me up, i assumed it had been dad, as I was eventually tucked into bed. My energy level hadn't been nearly as high ever since i had to recover. I became tired quicker and was slower. The doctor had told me and mom and dad though that this was to be expected. Until I was myself again I'd have moments where I'd need a nap or two.
Lin's POV:
I gently tucked Lucy into bed and gently kissed her forehead, i knew she always liked that. I set her favorite plushie down by her and smiled softly. Exiting the room I go back to the living room then to my office. V would be home later this afternoon or evening so for now I'd busy myself working on various works I had started, my ipod and iphone ((A/N: in Song Exploder Lin said he uses both)) alongside my laptop and headphones on, one side slightly off my ear so i can hear if Lucy needs me, I got to work, writing whatever came to me, if someone asked what I was writing I wouldn't be able to answer just yet. This was all still a work in progress. It could be just a couple of songs, or end up something more. We'd see. I wrote a good hour till maybe 4 P.M then I went to start cooking dinner, I was making something simple and easy on the stomach as Lucy was still having to be careful, so I made a simple tomato soup. By the time it was ready Lucy was up again and V was home. I greet my wife as we exchange a kiss, I smile and begin serving up the soup. Even after everything that had happened this moment felt perfect, us all together again as a family in our apartment, this apartment I knew had so many happy memories and it would have more now with Lucy in it, I would show her what a true family was like, a loving one, a good one, so that she would feel loved and cared for. I knew V would do the same as would Sebastian and Fransisco, even though Sisco was only two now, he still definitely loved his older sister and brother.
I smiled, tomorrow was Lucy's birthday and V and I had a surprise in store for her, I couldn't wait-

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