Chapter 3: enchiladas and Little Mermaid

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Lucy woke later that evening with a squeak of a yawn. She was basically buried in the blanket like a smol burrito. She enjoyed the soft warmth of it and of the bed as she peeked out from her blankets. She caught the scent of something delicious being cooked as she perked up. She smelled enchiladas, causing her stomach to growl hungrily. Lin had plated the enchiladas and went to get her. He lightly knocked and peeked in smiling gently "hey, i made some food if your hungry" he said with gentle eyes. Lucy smiled warmly and nodded getting up, she straightened her Hamilton hoodie and followed him downstairs. Her eyes sparkled when she saw the food. She hadn't had a chance to eat homemade cooking in her old home. So this was a treat and surprise. It also looked incredibly delicious. Chicken enchiladas ((or any meat)) with red sauce on top. Along with rice as a side. She let out a squeak of awe and hugged Lin gently "thank youuu" she said happily and they sat down to eat together. After a peaceful meal with casual talk, Lin had to prepare for a night showing of Hamilton "want to come with me to the theater for tonight's show?" He asked gently. Lucy nodded excitedly. Of course she did. She loved the theater and the cast was all incredibly nice. So soon the two were headed to the Rodgers. Lin headed for his dressing room so he could get ready. He let Lucy go explore as long as she stayed inside the theater. As the outside world could be a dangerous place. So Lucy ended up chilling in Lin's dressing room. She listened to the sounds of the show with a smile. During intermission she and Lin hung out and chatted. Just casual talk, mostly cause its only fifteen minutes. No time for anything serious. Once the show ended Lin and Lucy talked with the cast some, fans met and signatures given. Afterwards they headed home. Where Lin and Lucy watched Little Mermaid till she dozed off peacefully against his shoulder. Lin smiled at this, gently scooping her up he tucked her into bed with gentle eyes as he kissed her forehead. He then made his way to his own bed with Vanessa and sleepily flopped into bed. He was a tired Linnamon Roll

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