Chapter 19: things are looking up then go south....

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Lin's POV:

Lucy had been doing well lately. Sure her emotions came in waves but I was so proud to see her happy again. It relieved me too, seeing my baby girl hurting was always heartbreaking to me. She was so sweet and yet had endured such pain and anguish.

Right now Lucy was at school, V at work, I was busy writing music in my office at the house. Sebastian and Frankie both taking naps. I was writing a song for my family. I appreciated each of them so much, and wrote a few lines for each of them. Wanting to express this love and appreciation

As I wrote I occasionally looked at family photos. Specifically the newest one we had. We had recently taken one of all of us, me, mom, dad, my siblings, V, our three kids, are everyone of us together in one photo. The Miranda family.

Eventually the door of the apartment opened and I realized how fast time had passed, Lucy was home and now playing with Sebby and Frankie who had woken up when hearing their sister get home. Those three were quite a trio, they cared about each other and enjoyed each other's company.

Lucy held Frankie and Sebby walked by her as they greeted me "daddddd" she grinned as I scooped up each of my children one by one to cuddle them for awhile. I knew they loved cuddles as much as I did. We basically functioned off cuddles which was honestly the best

"Did you have a good day at school?" I asked Lucy

Lucy nodded, she had been safe and settled into this private school we found which was honestly a relief to me. I had been so worried for my baby girl as had Vanessa. Ever since those awful bullies in her first school.

"Thats good news" I smile gently as I ruffle her hair "what would you all like for dinner?"

I would be cooking tonight seeing as V would be tired and I had time. I knew V would eat almost anything so I'd let the kiddos have some input on what we could eat for dinner later tonight. Then I'd soon start on it seeing as it was nearing 4 P.M now.

The kiddos talked about it amongst themselves a moment. It was Tuesday so they suggested tacos for Taco Tuesday. Which I happily agreed to, that was an easy meal to prepare and a tasty one.

"Alrighty I'll get started on the tacos then so dinners ready when mommy gets home" I smile and go to begin cooking.

Lucy smiled "dad need any help?" She asked

"I'll be alright, thank you though kiddo! Just stay with Seb and Frankie" I smile knowing her brothers would want to play

Nodding Lucy happily went to join her brothers as she sat with them. Playing various little games and laughing together, enjoying a great sibling time. Both Seb and Frankie happy at seeing their big sister smiling and happy

I smile and glanced back at our Christmas tree a moment. I soon saw snow falling outside. Soft gentle snowflakes fluttering down, making for what would be perfect for sledding and snowball fights, and joy.

I soon had dinner ready, V had come home, hugging me a moment. I gently kissed her cheek "hi mi amor, welcome home" i said holding her a moment before i set dinner out when ready "how are you?" I asked her

"I'm good, how are you and the kiddos?"

I smile gently "we're all good, Lucy's happy as are Seb and Frankie" i say still relieved by this news. My kids were happy and well

For now anyways, we could have peace. For now Lucy could be happy, and Sebby and Frankie could enjoy time with their big sister. I was grateful for this as that was what was essential in healing. Hope and peace

Lucy soon walked over to me as i handed her silverware, we were a team, she was always happy to help as well which was awesome.

Soon we all sat down and ate. Sebby and Frankie loved tacos as did all of us honestly, it was a simple meal, comfort food. Something that wasn't too hard on the stomach either

"Mom, how was your day?" Lucy asked her

She smiled "good, nice and smooth, i heard you and your brothers and Lin had a good day?" She asked

Lucy nodded happily "it was a good day" she said with joy in her eyes

Seeing that joy warmed my heart, especially after all the pain she had endured. Seeing Lucy happy, her eyes bright and joyful. It was a true blessing.

After dinner and chatting we all decided to go downtown and look at lights awhile, cause New York had beautiful lights, one of many aspects we were known for in Christmas time anyways. Our countless light displays the city put up

I had my arm around V gently and lovingly, our kids happily skipping alongside us. They ended up wanting some hot cocoa so I had V stay with the kids as I made my way to a vendor

And thats when what was once our life looking up- took another dark turn....

I saw her- Camilla...a little history on us. Yes she was Lucy's biological mother but she wasn't the nicest. She hadn't been nice to me by any means, and now she looked mad

"C-Camilla" I stuttered, "what are you doing here?"

She scoffed "here to take my daughter back, although she would just cause me trouble so you can keep her, however...." she walked up close to me

The next few moments were a blur. She had dragged me off. When out of visibility thats when she seemed cold. I knew I was in danger now, "C-Camilla dn-"

Her hand had gone around my throat to stop me. She had a crazed look in her eyes as her grip was tight.

I tugged at her hand trying to free it. My body was weakening and fast. I had no idea just how strong she was.

"Oh you'll see your precious Lucy and wife snd kids again- when I'm done with you" she smirked

She kept her tight grip till my body slumped and I was unconscious. She tied my hands and legs and put tape over my mouth as she tossed me in her car. Speeding off.....

A/N: thanks to xbroadway_girlx  the idea at the end there. I felt i had been mean to Lucy enough. Plus y'all who also write these fanfics love doing stuff to Linnamon Roll
Also! Note: i love and respect Lin and his family. This story is entirely a work of fiction

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