Chapter 20: the past and fear

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Lin's POV:

I was dizzy, my vision blocked by something. My neck also was sore. I tried moving my hands and legs but tape had bound them

Camilla walked in and smirked as she removed the blindfold "there you are..." she looked absolutely insane

Fear struck me, this woman was insane. She roughly grabbed my chin "your back with me now dear" she chuckled.

I glared "like I'd ever be with a psycho like you again" i spat.

She looked irritated as she struck me "I'd advise you keep quiet...." she said coldly. She looked at the bruises she had caused on my neck with satisfaction

My wrists burned as I tried loosening them. She must've had help cause someone put a cloth over my nose and I lost consciousness

Camilla smirked "no struggling theater boy..." she said and looked me over "you won't be leaving, your mine now" she cackled.


Vanessa was panicked. She had Lin's parents pick up Seb and Frankie. Lucy refused to go with cause she was so worried for her dad. She had a dread filled feeling Camilla was behind this

Camilla was well capable of killing one she doesn't like or abusing them. She was cunning and smart

So V eventually agreed Lucy to stay with Tobillo as she headed out, in search of her beloved husband

-Lin and Camilla-

When I gain consciousness again my head anf stomach hurt. I felt nauseous.

"Ah your awake my darling, good" a chilling voice said

"I really dislike having to bound you but you'll run off and tell if i do, we can't have that now can we" she smirked. She began to circle me like a lion with its prey

I was the prey, she the predator

I was scared to say the least, knowing she wouldn't let me go anytime soon. Heck i had no clue if i'd make it out alive even.

The next few hours were traumatic and horrific. By the end i was left shaking. I was desperate for Vanessa's presence and comfort


The police had been sent out, they were now searching for Lin. Vanessa  was with them the entire time. Desperate to find her husband

She feared it was indeed Camilla and that she was causing her husband immense pain all over again.

Hours passed and eventually they stumbled upon a warehouse


I was shaking and weakened. Bruised and battered. I heard sirens and hope filled me. It sounded so close now, hope, and being rescued

"H-help me-..." was all I said before passing out. My body weak and needing rest

Camilla scowled when the door broke down. She saw them. NY police. Vanessa with them as she ran to Lin

"Lin!" Vanessa cried out as she skidded to beside Lin "I'm here now love, im here..."

I weakly opened my eyes "V-V....mi amor...." i said relieved as i leaned into her. She soon had me cut free and she led me to an ambulance. She called Lucy and my parents and we sped to the hospital

Lucy and my parents and Lucy's brothers were there already. The hospital told them to wait as i was evaluated.

I wasn't in too bad a condition. I was bandaged up and told to rest. Soon enough Lucy was at my side. Snuggling me with soft sniffles.

"Its okay ninita, I'm here, daddy's here" I soothe as i stroke her hair gently

Vanessa and the boys each hugged me too, V kissed my forehead. The reunion was a sweet moment. I forgot temporarily about what happened

I was allowed home that night. So we all got into the car and drove home. Upon arrival both boys cuddled me, Lucy and V were on either side of me. I held my family close

I was blessed and lucky to be alive, Camilla had been arrested. We were safe now from her, she wouldn't harm me or Lucy or anyone else again. That was a relief off my shoulders

"I'm so sorry this happened dad..." Lucy frowned. Blaming herself for I don't know why

"Sweetie it wasn't your fault..." i frowned and gently rubbed Lucy's head

"I-but Camilla....-" she started

"Your nothing like her, your sweet and gentle and kind" I soothed

V nodded "your like Lin, and we're proud of you for being so" she smiled

She nodded sniffling and leaned into us both, Sebby and Frankie and Lucy all falling asleep against us from exhaustion from the trauma and everything that had happened

I was honestly exhausted too. I rested my head against the sofa and slowly fell asleep. My body needing the rest and it came easy, now that I knew I was safe. I slept holding my family close, we'd get through this as a family

Rescued and Adopted by LMMTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon