16. Intervention

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Mollie opened her eyes and quickly shut them again. Her head was pounding. She thought to herself that it was a good job Ash was driving them to Silverstone. It would give her time to shake this hangover.

She didn't normally drink the night before Media day but she'd attended a function with some sponsors and when they'd brought out the champagne she hadn't wanted to refuse.  Ash would be seriously pissed with her but it wasn't as if she had a problem.  

She was young and she was enjoying her life.  She'd spent so much time focusing on her career, she'd forgot to live.  As long as she didn't drink on a race weekend what was the harm?  All work and no play
made Mollie a dull girl, or however it went, she thought to herself. 

She finally managed to drag herself out of bed, and after a shower, a coffee and a couple of painkillers she felt almost human again. 

She was ready and waiting for Ash when he pulled up outside her flat to collect her. 

It was mornings like this she was glad she hadn't moved back in with her parents.  She'd bought this place which was close enough to them that she could visit regularly but far enough away that she could live her own life without them constantly fussing over her. 

It was also a little closer to Silverstone so she could stay at home that weekend instead of staying in a hotel.  Hotels were draining. They were soulless and nothing could beat curling up in her own bed. 

"Good morning Mollie," said Ash, as she opened the back door of his Audi A3 and chucked her rucksack in. 

"Morning Ash," she replied, joining him in the front. 

"Have you been drinking again? There's pics all over social media of you at some swanky restaurant last night.  And you looked a bit worse for wear when you were leaving."

"Oh Ash, stop nagging.  It was just a couple of glasses of bubbly. I was dining with sponsors. It would have been rude to refuse."

"Mollie, you're worrying me.  You're drinking far too much.  The team wouldn't be happy if they knew just how much.  It's affecting your training and it's affecting your driving.  Austria wasn't good and you know it."

"I had a bad race.  I can't win them all.  It had nothing to do with drinking. You know I don't drink on a race weekend."   Mollie was getting pissed off.  Did Ash think he was her Dad or something?

"Mols, I know but it's affecting your fitness level.  I'm not saying this to be a killjoy.  I care about you.  I'm worried.  Sophia is worried too."

"Sophia can fuck off.  All she does is go on about Seb.   She can't get it into her thick head that Seb and I are done. She keeps trying act like she's some sort of talk show host trying to sort the guests out, like Jeremy Kyle or Jerry bloody Springer."

Ash stifled a laugh, as it wasn't really funny but Mollie looked like a spoilt teenager, slouching in her seat with her arms folded and a sulky look on her face. 

"Mols, we care.  We want you to be happy."

"I am happy."

Ash sighed.  She was in denial big time. She wasn't happy.  She hadn't been happy since Elena's death.  Since she lost Seb.    From what Sophia had told him he gathered that Seb had given up.   That was a blow.  He'd always hoped that the two of them would sort their problems out and get back together.  He couldn't really blame Seb for giving up. Mollie was hard work nowadays.    He just had to hope that she'd come to her senses before she did irreparable damage to her career, not to mention her health. 

The rest of the journey continued in silence.  When they arrived at Silverstone Mollie got out of the car and grabbed her bag.  She stormed off ahead of him.  By the time he reached the motorhome she'd shut herself away in her room.  He ordered a coffee and sat down. 

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