Chapter 4

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Author's note: Here's my annual monthly update. I also changed "college" to "university" in chapter one. I forgot this was Canada, lol.

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~*February 7th, 1959*~

"Bobby, sit!"

Cliff pushed his younger brother down onto a high seat next to him at the long front table inside the newly opened "Oakwimbay Bash" diner.

The teenage waitress on the other side of the table merely smiled.

"So, that's a strawberry shake with fries, right Cliff?"

"Yeah," he said with a quick sideways glance toward Bobby.

"And extra pickles on your burger right, Jack?"

"What? No!"

The waitress laughed, and tore off the order from her notepad.

"Your orders should be done right away."

She handed the paper to a man in the back, and then went over to the milkshake maker in the corner.

"So tell me more about the magazines that you found in your dad's desk," Jack said in a low voice to Cliff.

Keegan and Liam, who were sitting in seats next to Jack, leaned in closer so they could hear Cliff's response.

"Well, the women in them were—"

He stopped when he saw that Bobby was leaning in close, trying to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Bobby, this conversation is for cool, older kids. Not younger brothers."

"But I wanna hear about it too!"

The waitress placed the strawberry milkshake in front of them.

Cliff grabbed it, and pushed it toward Bobby.

"Here. Drink this."

Bobby's eyes lit up, and he began to sip on the milkshake happily.

"Okay, so the women in the magazines had all of their tops off," he said in a hushed voice.

Jack raised his eyebrows.

"Ooh! Then what else?"

"And there were a few pages with men and women—"

"Cliff! Look at me, I'm a walrus!"

Cliff turned his head to find that Bobby had stuck two straws into his nose.

He clicked his tongue, and pulled them out.

"Bobby, if you don't stop being annoying, I'm gonna stop inviting you places. Is that what you want?"

His tone must've been strong, because Bobby shrunk his shoulders back.


"Good. Now drink your shake," he told him firmly.

He pushed the cup back to Bobby, who took a nearby straw out from a dispenser, and put it into his cup.

After checking to make sure he was actually drinking the milkshake, Cliff turned around to find the others still waiting for him to continue talking about his discovery.

But before he could open his mouth, a group of people walked past the table out of the corner of his eye, and he had to do a double-take.

One person in the group was a young boy who looked around his age with dark brown wavy hair.

Cliff watched as the boy and the other people in the group sat down at a booth in the back corner.

Then he felt someone's hand on his shoulder.

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