Chapter 26

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Author's Note: It's the final countdown! [cue "The Final Countdown" by Europe]

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~*September 13th, 1965*~

Drew opened the door to his university dorm and found a tall, young man with light brown hair leaning over one of the two beds that were in the room.

"Oh! I was wondering when my new roommate would show up. Name's Dre—"

The young man turned around and it turned out to be none other than Cliff Coleman.

Drew backed away.

"No... No way..."

"Drew?" Cliff asked as he set the clothes he was folding down on his bed.

"I'm not dealing with this bullshit."

Drew turned around and went out the door, leaving the door open behind him.

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Damn, these halls are like a maze.

He walked through the narrow passageways of the dorm building, which were made even more chaotic with new students going up and down them.

Drew spotted a young woman all by herself and went over to her.

"Hi. Could you tell me where the 'R-C' is?"

She looked him up and down for a moment, then pressed her lips.

"I have a boyfriend," she replied curtly.

"No, I—"

"Great! So can he tell him where to find the 'R-C?" Drew heard Cliff say from behind him.

Drew sighed.

The girl rolled her eyes and walked away.

Drew turned around.

"Why the hell are you following me?"

Cliff didn't answer his question, so Drew continued walking.

Finally, he found a door with "Residence Coordinator Services" on it at the very end of the hallway, which was also where the exit was.

"Thank god."

He pulled the doorknob, but it wouldn't budge.


He looked to his right and saw a sign in the office window that said "All residence coordinators and related staff will be back in one hour - we apologize for the inconvenience."

He slammed his hand on the door.

"Some damn inconvenience!"

He turned around and Cliff stood there silently.

"You know," Drew dragged his hand off the office door. "I had such a good time after you moved away in grade nine. Most of the kids stopped calling me 'mashed potato face,' your friends ignored me. It was great."

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"But now..."

His eyes wandered over to Cliff.

"God, man. You planned this didn't you?"

Cliff crossed his arms.

"Believe me. If I was gonna choose a roommate, you wouldn't be my first choice."

He uncrossed his arms and put them in his jacket pockets.

"But.. I'm trying to turn over a new leaf."

Jikanime MotoriWhere stories live. Discover now