Chapter 22

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Author's Note: ...

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~*September 5th, 1961*~

Cliff opened his front door and shut it behind him.

He turned around and looked at the window just in time to see his mom throw her hands in the air and walk away from his dad, who merely shrugged.

"You ready?"

He turned back around and found Liam standing there while Jack and Keegan stood on the sidewalk.

Cliff gripped his book bag strap tightly.

"Yeah. I'm ready."

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Cliff sighed.

He had just come back from his first three classes and was now putting their books inside his locker.


Cliff turned his head to find Jack leaning against his locker.

"What do you want, Jack?" he asked blankly.

"Let's go to the 'Bash' after school. I heard they got a new item on their menu. Potato doughnuts with cheese!"

Cliff grimaced.

"That doesn't sound very good."

He moved his books so they were now standing vertically against the left side of his locker.

"Well, just give them to me then! Tell you what, when we go there, I'll order the potato doughnuts, and you can get yourself a milkshake. Maybe that strawberry one with the..."

Cliff tuned out Jack's words and sighed.

Strawberry was his favorite flavor...


It was time for his next class, so he put his book bag strap around his shoulder and closed the locker.

"At least think about it," Jack said, completely unaware that Cliff had tuned him out.

"Sure. I'll consider it,' Cliff replied.


Jack took a paper out of his jacket and looked at it.

"Shit. I need to run. I've got Baines this year and he hates tardiness. See ya."

"See ya."

Jack then ran in the other direction, while Cliff walked with students in the other direction.

He mindlessly walked down the hallway as teenagers moved in either direction trying to get to their class in time.

Then he saw a flash of someone with brown hair in a crowd of students walking past him.


He did a double-take.

But the person had disappeared.

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"So this year, you'll be learning math equations that you will use to—"

Ms. Young was interrupted by the classroom door opening.

Cliff, who was seated in a middle row, looked up.

It was him.

The teenage boy he had seen in the hall earlier.

And he knew exactly who he was.

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