Chapter 18

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Author's Note: Hmm.

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~*October 1st, 1969*~

Liam hopped into the empty car and put one hand on the wheel.

"Wanna race?" he asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Get the hell outta there," Cliff said, tossing a greasy towel at him.

It was early afternoon, and the five of them were doing their shifts at Fred's repair shop.

Keegan and Jack were working on another car together while Drew had gone off to a corner to grab some more tools for them to use.

He found the tools easily and put them in a toolbox to carry over there.

"Okay, I've got the wrench, and— OH SHIT!"

He dropped the toolbox on the floor, spilling the contents everywhere.

Someone was standing there, wearing a lion's mascot head.

Drew looked at the nametag and sighed with frustration.

"Fred? God dammit."

Jack laughed.

"You got him good!"

Fred took the lion's head off and smiled.

"What's got you so jumpy, son?" he asked Drew.

"I thought you were a lion."

"A lion? Son, this is Canada. What the heck's a lion doing all the way out here?"

"Probably looking for another martyr to eat," he answered without thinking.



Drew shook his head.

"Nothing. It's nothing."

Fred looked him up and down.

"I see."

"What are you doing with that thing anyway?" Drew asked.

Fred put the lion's head under his arm.

"The kids from Susie's school district gave it to me. Said they were getting a new one just in time for Halloween."

"I guess you can never have too many lion heads, eh?" Cliff asked with a chuckle.

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It was a couple of hours later and Cliff and Drew were sitting in a back booth at Oakwimbay Bash, while Jack, Liam, and Keegan were at the front ordering food.

"That show in the Roman amphitheater really did a number on you, eh?" Cliff asked him as he sipped on a bottle of pop.

"I haven't been able to sleep since we've been back."

Cliff moved the straw away from his mouth.

"Well, that settles it. No more gladiator fights."

He put the straw back in his mouth and went back to sipping on his drink.

Drew was about to reply when he noticed a man four booths away looking at him out of the corner of an upright newspaper.

Upon being caught, the man moved his head behind the newspaper.

Drew shook his head, and put a hand to his forehead.

"I'm losing my damn mind."

"Is that what you're calling it?" Cliff asked with a smirk.

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