Chapter 15

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Author's Note: so....tired...from

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~*March 11th, 2786*~

Drew eyes glanced over at the frames, the faces of the people with various expressions in them ranging from neutral, to friendly.

Audrey had taken them on a private tour of the Employee Hall, which was just a room with two long black walls that featured individually framed people clustered together in different groups.

The frames also faded in and out on the wall, so they were definitely different from the pictures back home.

"I know this frickin' guy!"

Morgan's sudden outburst made Drew turn his head to the right, where he saw him with his mouth open looking at a section of the wall.

Everyone else assembled around him, so Drew walked over too to see what all the fuss was about.

When he reached the area, he looked up, the words "Time Agents" glowing in white above a single frame that had a large group of people in it.

He looked around at the people, no one really sticking out to him.

That is, until he saw him.

"Yeah...Right..." he said softly.

He turned around, and tapped Cliff's shoulder

Cliff turned around.


Drew pointed at the man.

"That man... I swear he's the one who delivered my bike and phone."

Cliff leaned in closer.

"That's Larry, one of our time agents," Audrey said behind them.

They both turned around, and found her with her arms down, hands calmly grasped in front of her waist.

She walked a little closer to the group photo, and pointed at another man, although slightly younger looking.

"That's Seth, he was twenty when—"

"Seth! That asshole delivered my bike to me!" Morgan interrupted her. "Bitch told his boss he never sent me the bike."

"Well, did you really expect him to tell his boss that he just delivered a time travel vehicle in New York?" Audrey asked him.

Morgan leaned in closer, than leaned back. "He looks way younger here though. No beard."

"That group photo was taken just last month. Some of our agents take a little longer to assimilate."

Lastly, she pointed at a woman in the front middle, who was beaming in the photo.

"Finally, here we have Meredith," she turned her head toward Elias, "and before anyone in your group says anything, she was sent to 2160."

"So, what do these people do? Just deliver future tech to us?" he asked.

"Yes, as well as other tasks."

"Huh. Well, good on them."

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After a few more minutes of browsing the Employee Hall, Audrey escorted them back to the equation room.

"Okay, so..."

She erased what was previously written off the Pell-i-Board and turned around.

"You all know about the 'time agents,' now. Good. But, now, I want to discuss something else with you."

Jikanime MotoriTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon