Chapter 11

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Author's Note: WattPad recently sent me an e-mail like "you haven't updated in forever omg" but honestly, I've just been having a hard time trying to write. Writing is not easy, and the amount of respect I have for people who just write is huge. Fiction, non-fiction, it all requires work. You can't just treat it like a quarter candy machine where you put in a quarter, and bam! Here's a chapter. It doesn't work like that. Also, do those machines even exist in this economy anymore? lol

Anyway, without further ado, here's the next chapter of the story. Over a year late, but at least it's done.

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~*February 20th, 2161*~

As he took a sip of water from his cup in the kitchen, he noticed a faint light coming from the living room.

Bringing his cup with him, he walked into the living room to find Theo sitting on the couch, his eyes glazed over as he stared at the program on the flat screen in front of him.

Theo held a blanket to his chest as he watched an interview with two sharply dressed women in business suits.

"...too many failures. People could barely get to Mars without a massive amount of power."

"And how in the world did they manage to get any sort of funding from all those—"

Elias plopped himself down next to Theo.

"Program off."

The screen immediately turned itself off.

"Oi!" Theo exclaimed, breaking out of his trance.

"You were zoning out again. I had to turn it off."

"What are you doing here?"

Elias chuckled and raised his glass.

"Having a drink?"

He took a small sip.

"Can't sleep?" he asked Theo, a little more sensitive this time.

"Yeah. But it's got nothing to do with J-M-I."

"What then?"

Theo leaned back and sighed.

"My mum and dad's space mission is getting heat lately. Means they're gonna power that generator any day now."

Theo turned his head to look at him.

"How about you? How you feeling about all this, mate?"

"What? The time travel or your folks' space project?"


"Time travel job? Awesome. Another space mission? Eh..."

Theo scoffed, and put the blanket he was clutching aside.

"Mum and dad would be disappointed to hear you say that."

"They've been working on that bloody thing since before we were born, so, I'd say that's a given."

Theo opened his mouth to yawn, and stretched his arms outward.

"Ugh, I think I better get to bed. Gotta get to work early in the morn'."

He got up from the couch and turned around.

"You coming?"

"No. I'mma watch a little late night programming before I get to bed."

"Okay. Good night, then."

"Good night."

Theo walked toward the adjacent hallway to his room, and Elias slid over to his previous spot on the couch.

Jikanime MotoriOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora