Chapter 1

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"Great, see you there babe!" Danielle put down her phone, and looked out of the window, drying of the fake smile she had just had on her face.

It was thursday. The day she knew would be the worst day of her life. The day she wouldn't be with him anymore. 

She simply couldn't do this anymore. She felt alone, though she knew Liam loved her. 

But since the hate had continued she couldn't do anything else but this. The fans had taken their relashionship away from them, and this was the only solution to the problem. 

She took a deep breath and went out in the kitchen where she made some tea. Maybe this could make her more calm?

As she took the first sip she felt the warm drink float through her throat, making it warmer and more comfortable, but she still couldn't push the thought of breaking up with Liam away. 

She felt her eyes sting a bit. She couldn't believe what she was about to do. 

Liam had been a part of her life for three years, and she was going to give it all up now. 

She hadn't talked to anyone - not even Eleanor, but she knew how Eleanor would take this. She would be absolutely devestated, and try not to make her do it, and that was the exact reason, she hadn't told her. 

She looked at her watch. It was 5.30 pm, and she had promised Liam to be there at six. 

She left the cup in the sink and put on her coat slowly, while putting a scarf around her neck - it was beginning to be cold outside. She grabbed her purse and locked the door. 

As she sat in her car, she was terrified. How would he react? How would she react? 

She started the car and after 10 minutes she made it to Liam's house. 

She went to the front door and knocked, trying to put a smile on her face. 

The door opened and there he was. Handsome, good-looking and the sweetest boy she had ever known. He smiled at her and his brown eyes were shining with joy.

"Hey babe" he said, pulling her in for a kiss

She kissed him back, knowing it would probably be the last time, and smiled at him


She went inside and took of her coat, hanging it in the closet next to the door. 

"I made food" Liam said, smiling at her while he opened a bottle of wine. 

"Yum" she went over to the table and saw he had made spaghetti carbonara - her favourite. 

"Aww, you nice boy!" she said, and he just giggled while he kissed her on the cheek. 

As they were eating there were an uncomfortable silence. Danielle didn't really know what to say, and Liam was desperately trying to make a conversation. 

"Louis told me that you and Eleanor are going out on friday?" 

"Yeah" Danielle answered looking down on her food. 

"Shopping?" he asked

"Yeah" Danielle answered

"What were you planning on buying, clothes?" he asked

"Don't know"

"Dani what the hell is wrong? You're awfully quiet! Have I done something?" 

"No, you haven't"

"Then what's the matter?" 

"Liam.. I.. We need to talk"

"Then talk"

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