chapter 6

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1 week later...

"Slide, uuup, doown, roll, snake and finish!" the choreographer yelled, as she did the routine with us. 

I was lying on the floor surrounding Pixie, who stood in the middle. My breathing was heavy and fast as I raised from the floor, turning to look at her. 

"Perfect you guys! It'll be so good tonight!" she said excitingly, as she clapped in her hands and sent us a big smile.  

I looked down at the floor, my stomach curling together by the thought of tonight. 

Tonight was the Royal Variety Performance, and I was performing with Pixie and the other dancers. 

One Direction was going to be there too, and I wasn't exactly pleased with that since I wasn't really on good terms with Liam right now. 

As for the others I didn't have a clue, if they were mad at me. 

I hadn't spoken to anyone of them since the fight between me and Eleanor. 

I bit my tongue hard at the thought of her, slowly feeling the taste of blood spread in my mouth. 

I pulled on my hoodie as the other dancers called me over. 

"Hey Dani, do you wanna drive with us to the performance?" Caroline asked

"Sure! I'll just go and grab my things" I smiled at her, and went over to get my bag and joined them.

As we arrived, we went in to find the room for us backstage. There were a lot of doors here, and you could read different artists names down the hallway. 

I quickly saw the door with the "One Direction"-sign. I felt as if I was about to puke, when I saw it, reminding me of the fight. 

Words couldn't describe how bad I'd felt this week. 

First of all I had been tired and sad thinking about the fight all the time. 

Second of all I missed Eleanor so much, and I was longing for our girly talks and cosy nights, just the two of us. 

And the third thing was the thing I missed the most - Liam. I missed him so much that words couldn't even describe. 

But i couldn't talk to them, they were pissed at me, and in some way I understood. 

This week had made me realise that I was so selfish that night - to both of them. 

I had said some mean things. Eleanor had said some mean things to me too, and it pained me to think about it. We had always been a team, from the first day I met her, we clicked like I had never clicked with any other girl. 

"Dani?" a voice cut through my thoughts. 

I looked behind me to see the other girls standing there, smiling at me

"You walked past the door, honey!" Amanda grinned

I smiled, blushing slightly and went back to the door. 

As we opened it, we came into a big room full of mirrors and our costumes hanging on the closets. 

I went in, kicked off my shoes and fell onto the couch. 

"Arrrhhhh, sooo tired right now" I said, closing my eyes. 

"Dani come on! You promised me, you would do my hair!" Amanda said, tugging on my feet. 

"Okaaay!" I said, slowly getting up, walking over to Amanda. 

As I had braided her hair in a fishtail, I looked happily at the result in the mirror. 

"You're gorgeous Manda" I said, kissing her cheek. 

I went over to the closet and found my outfit - a white tight bodystocking. 

As I had pulled it on, I did my make-up dramatically and we all got our hair done by the hairdresser, that was hired. 

My hair was pulled back in a tight bun. 

"I'n just gonna go to buy some water, girls!" I said, as my hair was done as the first one. 

I opened the door to the hallway and made it over to the cafeteria, where I went into the line. 

I pulled out a water from the cooler and bought an apple with it. 

I placed it on a table and sat down on a chair, biting the apple.

I took a magazine and opened it - flickering through the pages. 

I took another bite of my apple, putting it down on the table to open my water bottle. 

As I looked up, I saw a shocked face on a girl that I knew very well, looking at me in disgust. 

"El?" I said, looking at her with big eyes

"Go away!" she snapped at me, turning to leave. 

"El, no! please just let me explain." I ran after her, having the bottle in my right and the apple in my left. 

She just ran away, me running after her.

As she turned down the hallway, she ran against the door with the "One Direction"-sign. 

She opened it, and was just about to smack the door in my head, when I got me foot in and it prevented her from closing it. 

She ran away as she noticed my foot in the door. 

I opened the door completely, running after her.

"EL!" I yelled trying desperately to grab her arm. 


"No, you need to hear me explain!" 

"I don't want to hear your stupid, silly explanations! I'm sick of hearing you shit!" she yelled at me

"Please just listen Eleanor - please!" 

"GO! Just GO!" she yelled.

"What's with all the yelling?" a calm voice asked, that made us both look to our side

Louis stood there with a calm expression on his face.

"Louis, get her out of here!" Eleanor said quickly

"El, just try and listen to her - maybe she can explain?"

I looked hopefully at her

"Louis, come on! Just do it!" she snapped

"El no, I'm not gonna do it. You've been a mess all week because you have been fighting. You miss Dani, I know you do!" Louis said, looking into her eyes.

I looked down to the floor, hoping that Louis had convinced Eleanor. 

As I looked up, she was looking at me. 

"Explain then" she said....

I know it's crappy, but I wanted to update so here it is! 

Please tell me what you think! :) 

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