Chapter 2

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"How is she feeling?" 

"I don't know. She's slept until now, so I haven't talked to her yet." 

"How is he?" 


"Did you get the whole story?" 

"Yeah, apparently she couldn't handle all of the fans' hate and pressure anymore.."

"That's what he told us too.." 

I woke up to the sound of Eleanor and Louis speaking. 

I had a terrible headache, and I felt dried out.

And then  I remembered everything from last night, I had hoped it was just a nightmare, but no... 

I opened my eyes, to the sight of the sun shining through the curtains. I was in Eleanor and Louis' livingroom. 

I pulled of the blanket, and stood up. I felt dizzy. 

I slowly went out to the kitchen were I had heard their voices. 

As I turned around the corner to the kitchen I saw Eleanor and Louis sitting at the table drinking coffee. 

"Dani!" Eleanor said, looking worried at me.

"How are you feeling today?" Louis asked me

I went over to the table, just shaking my head

"Not too well.." I took a sip of the coffee I had just taken and sat down on a chair, looking at the ground. 

"Listen babe. You need to take some time off right now. It's just as soon as the fans find out they'll freak out..." Louis said looking worried at me.

"I can't. I have jobs right now... I just need to pull myself together and see what happens"

"Just promise me not to listen to the fans! they can destroy you, Dani" Louis said, while Eleanor rubbed my back.

"It's impossible not to listen to them, Lou..." I said, trying not to cry again.

"Listen I just want to go home now. I'm tired and feel sick right now!" I said, getting up from the chair I was sitting on.

"Are you sure you can drive home yourself?" Eleanor asked

"Of course..." I said

I went out in the hall, where my coat was hanging. I pulled it on, and turned around to look at Louis and Eleanor's worried faces. 

"Thanks for letting me stay last night. You really helped me El!" 

I hugged her and turned to Louis

"Thanks Lou! How was he?" I asked nervously

"You want the thruth?" 

I nodded

"I've never seen him so terrible. Dani, this will be so hard for both of you!" 

I felt the tears come to my eyes

"You think it's all my fault, don't you?" I said harshly at him

"No, not at all Dani... I know how the fans are, and understand why you're feeling this way! Trust me.." Louis said calmly...

"We aren't judging you at all, neither are Liam! We are worried about both of you.." Eleanor said, rubbing my arm

I just nodded and felt the tears roll down my cheek.

"I'm gonna go now. Thanks for everything!" and then I closed the door behind me.

Liam's point of view

"Hey Liam!" Harry said as I entered the room backstage. I could hear the sadness in his voice.

The other boys were looking at me as I went over to the couch and sat down. 

"Hi" I said

I could feel my eyes burn, and I tried desperately not to let a tear escape them. 

"Listen Liam. It's been two weeks now, and we know how hard it is for you right now. But we are with you all the way, I hope you know that" Louis said, as he went over to me.

I just nodded and rubbed my head

They had all been to visit me these couple of weeks, but it was the first time we were all together again since the break-up. 

We were gonna do an interview with Alan Carr today. I always looked foreward to these interviews but today was very hard for me. Especially because I knew he was gonna ask about relashionships in the band. 

Most fans knew now, rumours were out everywere... Everyone seemed sad about it, there were of course those who were happy about it, but it was a stronger reaction than I had thought it would be. 

I hadn't talked to Danielle. I wasn't mad at her, nor was she mad at me, but we were too sad to see each other right now. 

"Come here Liam!" Zayn said and guided me over to the middle of the room. 

I stood there looking at  him. 

"What?" I said

And then they all went over to me and made a big hug around me. 

This helped more than anything, but couldn't hold back the tears in my eyes, that had now escaped from my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. 

"We love you Liam! And we hate to see you like this. We're really sad too. Danielle was like family, but try to think about some positive things under the interview, so it won't be so awfull for you to go through." Niall said

"Alan know that you broke up, so he won't ask about you, alright mate?" Harry said

I just nodded

"Boys.. I.. I.. Oh I just miss her so much. I can't stand the thought right now" I said sobbing

"Liam it's alright... Everything gonna be alright. It takes time to get over her, but someday you'll think back on your relashionship with joy." Louis said

I dried away the tears. 

"We better catch Lou to do your make-up!" Niall said and went out to find her. 

As I sat in the couch at the interview I tried to forget about it all.. And it helped in the start, I laughed at Alan's jokes, and smiled but when he began talking about girlfriends I couldn't smile anymore. 

I felt my face turn to a frown, and tried to look down to hide it for the audience and tv screen. 

I felt the other boys stiffen when the question came, and knew they had trouble with it too... 

As the interview ended I just wanted to get out of here. In the end I had laughed half heartedly at his jokes, but I just wanted to go home and sleep and be alone. 

I put on my coat as we came to the backstage room. 

"Liam, do you wanna go out and drink a beer?" Louis asked

I just shook my head and looked down.

"Listen mate, it's not good just to sit at home! It makes you more sad. Come with us please!" Zayn said

"It's at my place, no one other than us is going to be there" Niall said, rubbing my back.

"Okay" I nodded.

As I had some beers the thoughts of Danielle slowly faded and I became more comfartable and happy as I sat there. 

It also had a lot to do with, I sat with my four best friends, who I knew would always be there to support me. 

And be there when I needed them the most...

Hope you liked it! Like or comment :) 

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