Chapter 10

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"Dani are you ready?" Liam yelled, as I was putting on mascara. I widened my eyes to see if the make-up was perfect, and then I put on another layer of mascara on my right eye to make the eyes look even. 

"Dani?" Liam said again, now entering the room. 

"Yeah, just 2 seconds" I said, opening up the blush, I had just bought in Sephora. 

"You look beautiful, darling." He said, as he put his arms around me from behind and kissed my hair.

I smiled at him in the mirror and let the blush brush over my cheeks to make a small amount of glow. 

"Okay, I'm ready now" I said turning around to see Liam standing close to me. 

"I need one kiss before we go" he said, pouting his lips

I smiled and let my lips meet his in a small peck.

"Now we need to go, Liam!" I said, padding his cheek before I took my iPhone and put it in my purse. 

We went over to the front door, and went out to the hallway, where he took my hand and entwined our fingers. 

As we came down to the restaurant - which was specially reserved just for us and the boys families tonight - I found Eleanor talking with Harry, while Louis and Niall stood talking at the tables. 

"Hey" I said, as they all turned their faces and gave me a big smile. 

"Hi!" Niall said as he went over and gave me a hug. 

I hugged Harry and Louis too, and gave Eleanor a little kiss on her cheek. 

"Don't you just love the room?" Eleanor squealed

"Ehh, haven't really thought about that El, but yeah it's alright" I laughed at her

"Seriously - I love it! I've been using the entire afternoon on eating those chocolates from the minibar." She said with a smile

"That's so typical! And I guess you ate with Louis?" I asked her

"Of course, we just lay on the bed, watched a movie and ate tons of chocolate" She grinned

"And you're still skinny as hell" I laughed

"Oh, there they come!" Eleanor said, looking towards the door.

I turned around and saw a beautiful girl with purple hair smiling widely. I knew the girl very well from television, but hadn't had the chance to meet her personally yet. She walked next to Zayn, and she was named Perrie. 

She looked over towards El and I, and let out a grin before running over to us. 

"EL!" she squealed, pulling Eleanor in for a hug.

"Hi Perrie!" Eleanor said excitingly, and hugged her back. 

As she let go, Perrie looked towards me. 

"You must be Danielle, right? Liam's girlfriend?" She said, smiling

"Yeah, I am!" I smiled back, but was quickly pulled in for a warm embrace from Perrie. 

"I've been dying to meet you" she said

"Well me too! I've seen you on the X factor - you were so good!" I said, smiling widely

"Thanks babe, you're quite a good dancer as well!" she added

"Should we go find some seats?" She asked as she took Eleanor and I's hands and went over to the nicely decorated tables. 

I liked Perrie - she was so outgoing and funny. Through the evening she told some hilarious things she had done in her past, and she was really good at making funny faces that could make Eleanor and I laugh for minutes. 

Because it's you - Payzer <3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang