Chapter 5

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"Danielle, I'm still in love with you..."

It felt like I was hit in my stomach, letting all air leave my body. 

I let the words hang in the air, but they fell to the ground as I didn't say anything. 

My hand was still holding his. It was warm, soft and safe. 

I took a deep breath and my head on his shoulder nuzzled into his neck, as he looked down at the floor. 

"Liam, I..." I said silently, finally getting some words out of my mouth. 

I felt my eyes burn and I swallowed. Small tears slowly escaping my eyes. 

The first tear fell onto Liam's t-shirt, making a stain. 

He looked up at me, as he felt his shoulder getting wet from the tears. 

"Dani" he said comforting, pulling his arms around me, and hugging me tightly. 

I clung to his chest, enjoying the warmth I got from him. 

"I'm just so confused right now Liam.." 

"I know you are babe.." 

"I'm also still in love with you, but nothing has changed." I said, closing my eyes.

"Danielle.." he started

"No Liam, nothing has changed! The hate is still there.." 

"Danielle it's not fair!" He said harshly, letting go of me and got up from the floor.

"What's not fair?" I also got up, looking at him. 

"That we're deeply in love with each other, but we can't be together because of the fans! It's just so stupid!" 

"Come on Liam, we agreed on this before! We just need to get over this!" 

"What if we're meant to be together?" 

"I can't Liam, I can't be with you." I said, drying away the tears from my cheeks. 

"But Danielle, I can't be without you... These two months have been awfull for me!" he said, I saw tears form in his eyes. 

"Liam... Stop saying that. It's sounding like it's only been hard for you! Don't you think it's been hard for me too?" I yelled

"Well it sounds like you're not thinking this as a hard thing! We just need to get over it is what you said Danielle! I'm not thinking just get over this - it's fucking hard, when I know you're the one!" he yelled, looking at me furiously

"Just shut up Liam! If you think this is just a simple thing for me to do, then just fuck off!" I yelled while I sobbed

"I won't fuck off, we need to talk about this!" 

"I can't do this Liam. I was actually beginning to think a little less about you, and then you just show up ruining everything!" I sobbed

"I'm ruining everything? That's great Dani, just great. What the fuck was I supposed to do, I didn't know a thing about you being there?" He yelled at me

I stayed silent, just crying.

"You know what, I'm going to leave now. You clearly don't want to solve this!" he said harshly.

"How dare you say that, Liam? Of course I want to solve this, but there really isn't any solution! We just need time away from each other, that's the only way to get over each other!" I said

"Okay, if that's what you think is the solution then we'll do it that way, but don't you come fucking back to me one day Danielle, being mad at me for not wanting this! I was the one who tried to get you back, who tried to save this fucking relashionship!" he yelled at me

"You idiot! Leave! I don't ever want to see you again! GO!"I yelled after him, as he left and slammed the front door. 

I fell onto the floor, sobbing loudly... 

I could have lied on the floor for days, I had no idea how long - the big hole in my heart was the only thing I felt. 

I opened my eyes as I heard someone knock on my door. 

I slowly got up from the floor, looking at myself in the mirror. 

I looked like mess. My hair was messy, my face was red and wet from all the tears and I looked sick and like a wreck. 

I slowly made my way over to the door and opened it to reveal a very nervous looking Eleanor. 

"Oh my god, Dani!" she said, looking at me with fright in her eyes. 

"Are you okay? You look sick?" she said as she pulled me in for a warm hug.

"No, I'm not at all... We've never fought like this before, El! I've never seen him so angry." I sobbed into her shoulder

"Dani.. this needs to stop, okay? Liam came over to us after he left you here, I've never seen anything so frightening, until I saw you right now."

"It can't stop El!" 

"I know it will be hard Dani, but it's destroying you both to live like this."

I nodded, drying the tears from my cheeks and chin. 

"You need to talk to him - a normal coversation, no yelling..." 

"I can't! Eleanor, look what just happened. We couldn't stop yelling!"

"But at least you need to try, Dani!" 

"I don't want to, I know how it'll end."

"Come on Dani, just do it - maybe it'll end well?" 

"No it won't! It will end in complete disaster."

"Do you want to find a solution or not?" Eleanor said harshly

"What do you think, El? Of course I want to, but I need some time away from him!"

"It won't help Dani, you'll think about him all the time just like before!" 

"Just stop deciding what I'm gonna do with my life!" I said furiously

"Stop being such an idiot, and realise that the feelings you have for this boy won't disappear!" she yelled at me

"Don't call me an idiot!" I yelled back

"You know what! I understand why Liam is mad at you! Maybe you don't want to find the solution?" Eleanor said, looking at me furiously

"How can you say that when you're my best friend?" I sobbed

"I think you need some time away from all of us. I don't know you right now."

"What the hell are you talking about, El!?!" I sobbed louder

"The Danielle I used to know wanted to solve problems, be a good friend and girlfriend. Do anything she could to fulfill these things. I don't see that in you anymore!" Eleanor sobbed at me.

"Just leave then, clearly I dont have any true friends here! Go home to Liam and the other boys and talk about how awfull a person I am. I'm sure you'll have a great time. But just do me a favour. Don't you EVER come near me again. EVER!" I yelled

My words were cut over at the sound of a door slamming. 

I ran over to my bed. Lying down between the covers, hiding my face in the pillow... 

I wanted to get away from all of this... I closed my eyes and the dark made me feel comfortable. 

I pulled the covers up to my neck and warmed myself with my arms, and then I slowly floated away to the land of dreams....

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