Chapter 21

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Some minutes had gone, and the nurse was now weighing our baby.

I looked over at the nurse. She stood with her back against us, holding what looked like a small white pile in her arms. 

A few seconds later she turned around with a big smile on her face

"Everything's perfect. She weighs 2900 grams and she is 48 centimeters long. You can be proud of what you guys made together" she said, handing me our girl again.

I gave her a grateful smile and looked down at my little princess again. 

Her eyes were now closed, and she was asleep. 

Her mouth was slightly open and she looked very peaceful.

I could feel Liam next to me, and I could imagine we looked very happy right now. 

I, myself, was smiling widely.

"She's so beautiful" Liam whispered again, as he kissed the small dark hairs on her head. 

"I'm so proud right now" I smiled, going over her head softly with my index finger.

The skin on her head was soft and I could just look at her for ages without getting bored. 

There was so much fun and excitement by looking at this small thing. 

I could already see she was going to look like Liam. 

She had his nose and eyes, and was as beautiful as him.

I could feel a kiss pressed onto my palm as I looked to my side to see Liam smile at me

"I love you so much" I whispered, kissing him

"I love you too. I'm so proud of you" he whispered back

After a couple of hours, we were moved to a room which was a bit more comfy.

A nurse had teached me to breastfeed, and Liam had been calling everyone to let them hear the news. 

I was right now sitting with the baby. 

She was sleeping again after being fed, and I was in my pajamas. 

My hair was pulled up in a ponytail, and I was probably looking really tired. 

Liam had been gone for some minutes to get me some water.

The door opened and Liam's face showed up.

He was smiling at me, holding a glass of water which he quickly gave me

"How is she?" he asked, sitting next to me

"Tired" I giggled softly, grabbing one of her small hands

"What about you?" he asked

"In pain and tired, but I'm comfy here" I said honestly, looking at him with a small smile, while running my thumb over the soft skin on her hands.

A knock on the door interrupted our conversation, as we both looked up to see Karen, Geoff, Nicola and Ruth enter the room

"Hi" they all squealed as they looked at us

"Hi" I said, smiling at them

They went over to us slowly, looking down at the baby in my arms.

"She's so gorgeous" Ruth said, looking at the baby softly

"My first grandchild" Karen said, I could see the tears in her eyes, as I slowly handed her the baby

"Here you go, Karen" I said softly, letting her get a hold of the baby before I let go

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