Chapter 20

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"You were mine for the summer

Now we know it's nearly over

Feels like snow in September

But I always will remember 

You were my summer love

You always will be my summer love"

I sang along with the boys who stood out on the stage singing in front of thousands of fans. 

They were currently performing in the O2 Arena in London, and I was watching them from backstage with Perrie and Eleanor on my side 

I was resting my hands on my big belly, while I slowly rocking to and fro, while I was humming along to Liam's piece of the song. 

I was currently in my 9th month, and it was safe to say, my belly was very big! 

I couldn't walk that easily, and was waddling the most of the time

It was actually very close to my due date. I was supposed to be giving birth in two days! 

The time had gone by so quickly...

In the past months a lot had happened. 

When I had been in my 5th month, we had told the public about my pregnancy, since a lot of fans had caught photos of me, with a clear sign of pregnancy. 

Everyone had totally freaked out on twitter etc. 

Most of them were really happy for us, while others were mad and accused me for ruining Liam's life. 

When I had been in my 6th month, we had got to know the gender of the baby. 

Liam had been in the U.S at the time, but when I told him he was overly excited about it. 

And I'm sure you're curious to know, what we're having? 

I should probably tell you! 

We're having a...... 


I was so excited and freaked out when I found out about it. 

Eleanor and Perrie were both with me, and I'm sure, you could hear our squeals in every room of the hospital!

So after the news we went out to shop like crazy, which made tons of fans post pictures of us on twitter. 

And now our apartment is full of baby pink things. 

I kind of think Loki, has the thought, that it's all for him, since he seems extremely happy right now, but I don't know. He's become so big lately! 

As for my job, I'm currently on a break from it. 

It would be impossible for me to dance with this huge thing on my stomach, so I've talked with my company, and they're totally fine with it. 

The fans have been super excited about this whole pregnancy thing, and I've actually been quite nice to them. 

Posting pictures of my tummy and stuff, I've bought. 

We haven't told them what the gender is, since we think it's quite personal and private, but the fans have already made up thousands of rumors. Of course. 

Everybody is so careful around me. 

I think they're afraid I'm gonna break into two or something. 

Like every time I meet a fan on the street or something, they go very slowly towards me. Thy used to run over to me and want a picture, but now. No. 

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