Daddy You Got Me Pregnant Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

She dropped her fork and so did her jaw.

" So after your father raped you, you went over to your boyfriends and had sex?"

She sounded disappointed.

I looked down at my salad to sick to even eat it

" Gabby, everyone keeps staring."

I looked around and saw everyone at lunch table turn other way.

I sighed

She tapped my hand

" What do you expect. Smart pretty girl comes to school with a black eye and can barley can walk. what do you expect. You know things spread fast here."

She said and then picked up her fork.

She shook her head.

I chewed on my lips.

I was a little hesitant. But, i told this girl everything.

" I slept with Bobby 6 time."

I confessed

She started to choke.

She started coughing and patted her chest.

Then shes laughed

" You little slut."

She teased

I blushed brightly.

The bell rung.

I looked up

Gabby rolled her eyes.

" You can come over.."

She said

I sighed in relief.

We packed up and walked down the hall to my locker.

Everyone was staring.

I felt so embarrassed.

its been two weeks and I'm feel better but i haven't talked to my dad since the rape episode. And, to tell the truth i hate him.I loved him and he did that to me. I loved him. He said he would never hurt me and he raped me.

I shivered at the thought of that night.

Gabby nudged me.

" Look like someone is waiting for you."

She said in a cherry voice.

I looked up to see bobby with flower.

I smiled and ran toward him.

" Hey there pretty lady.."

He kissed my cheek and handed me the flowers.

They were pink roses.

My favorite.

" Your two sweet."

I muttered taking in the scent of the sweet flowers.

" Happy three week anniversary."

He said casually.

I made a silly face.

I reach into my book bag and pulled out a small wrapped box.

" I didn't forget"

I said

I knew i got him the perfect gift. He's been talking about this watch since i knew him. But , his mother never gave him the money for it.

He was supposed to earn it but he was to lazy to call the bank for a with drawl.

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