Daddy You Got Me Pregnant Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Jess Pov:

I felt bad for how i acted when Gabby and my father were arguing.

I could see how Gabby could be envies towards me. The way he acted towards her when he saw her kiss Andrew and I guess picked him was just mind boggling.

It was like his daughter didn't matter anymore.

I mean for god sakes i was just kidnapped and he didn't even ask me if i was okay or even the baby.

I kind of wished he would pay me a little attention i mean i was here too.

I was his flesh and blood and i might be caring his child.

Well, Gabby might be as well but that wasn't the point.

I'm tired of him always choosing me over someone else. Or come to me when there wasn't anyone else he wanted.

I stood up almost slumping back down and walked over to the kitchen. I saw Gabby and my father arguing.

" You didn't even give me a chance!"

My father said sternly.

Gabby shook her head.

" Stop it. I've made up my mind. So there's no reason for you to still be here right now."

She said getting up to leave the marbled table.

He caught her wrist and tugged her back into her seat.

" I'm not done talking to you woman."

He said through his teeth.

Gabby scoffed and yanked her hand away from his grip.

" Well i'm done talking to you. I don't want you here in my house anymore. I want you to leave by morning and that's final. "

She said and skipped out of the room.

My father put his head in his hands and sighed.

He looked so tired and frustrated.

I cleared my throat and folded my arms.

He looked up and smiled.

" Hey darling."

He said in a charming voice

I rolled my eyes and came closer to him sitting at one of the colored stools.

I was still angry and he lost a daughter.

" I want you gone."

I confessed.

He looked at me shocked and then smiled.

" Aw baby don't be like that."

He said and then touched my hand.

I yanked them away and put them in my lap

" Your a perverted person and your not good for the baby. You didn't even see if i was okay. you just ran to Gabby."

I said now my voice getting louder.

I could feel my blood boiling.

I can't believe he was trying to pull this again.

Like, i was the most important person in the world to him.

But, just yesterday he payed as much attention towards me as he would towards a lamp.

I smirked.

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