Daddy You Got Me Pregnant Chapter 24

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  • Dedicated to the fighters

Chapter 24

Bobby's Pov:

I saw that look in Jessica's eyes and i knew what she was feeling at that very instant.

Like i could feel it my self.

My baby never looked so life un-connected to the world. It was like she checked out and she wasn't coming back.

The 14 hour car ride didn't help either.

The silence was mind numbing but i sat there and let Jessica just lay on my chest and breath slowly. I knew she was trying to make her cries silent but we all heard and felt her pain.

Gabby had to take another car since Jessica and Rex both wanted to kill her.

Rex gave her a black eyes and Jess tried to strangle her.

I shook my head at the violent sense that took place 12 hours ago. We didn't stop driving because no one could sleep.

Rex was on edge but was apologetic to our encounter. And, i'm not sure if he's serious or just fucking with me.

I just watched as the city lights turned into trees.

You know it almost felt Peaceful like this.

It's funny.

I've almost died and i'm still looking at the positive in this. Maybe there's a reason for that.

Jessica sniffed and looked up at me.

Her eyes were red from crying and she was so pale then i've ever seen her.

I couldn't bare it but i forced a smile and kissed her forehead.

" I Hate Her!"

Jessica snapped.

I sighed and rubbed her back.

" You know that ins't true honey."

I said quietly.

I saw Rex's knuckled turn white on the steering wheel.

Jessica started to cry again.

" This is all so fucked up.."

She sobbed

" A-and..I just wanna go away Bobby."

She cried into my shirt and i felt my heart crack a little bit.

There was nothing that i could do to help her.

There's nothing that i could do to stop this pain.

But i just had to try. I wasn't going to let her stay this way for god knows how long . I didn't want her to become some bitch bi-polar mother because she can't handle her feelings.

I gasped lightly.

I instanly thought of my own mother. I know what i went through back at the hell hole of a house. The drinking, the drugs and the all night sex she wouldh ave with total strangers. I knew my child wouldn't have it.

Not over my dead corpse.

I sat up straight and i have her a serious look.

" Jessica you wanna know what i've realized for the past several month?"

I said with my stern strong voice.

She sniffed,

" What?"

She whined.

I lifted her chin with my index finger so she could look me in the eyes when i said this. I wanted her to know that i was serious.

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