Daddy You Got Me Pregnant Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

                                                             Andrew's Pov:


I've been awake for three hours and I already wish I was dead. I lay in this hospital bed not able to feel my legs or my heart. She might be dead and my baby might have parished along with her. I try to blink away the tears but they keep coming.

I wish I had done things different. I wish I hadn't have sold out Rex to that jerk or mis-treated Gabby the way I did. I wish I told her how much I loved her instead of pushing her away. I saw so much innocence in her and I burned it to ash.

How will I go on without her? How will I face everyone?

I sniffed.

All my life I've destroyed everything I have come in connect with and now look what I've done. If this was God's version of punishment and I must accept my sins but this isn't the right way.

Just damn me to hell I thought.

I closed my eyes and prayed.

Please don't let my stupidity hurt the ones I love. I know we haven't talked in forever but if everything my mother told me is true about your power then you'll send an angel. To help if it's not to late.  I thought.

I felt more tears roll down my cheeks and by this time I couldn't hold back my sobs. I opened my eyes to a water stained ceiling and I prayed harder.

" Heal me" I whispered

I closed my eyes and began to sob even harder.  I love her so much and I'm not even sure if she's dead or not. I should have fought harder. I should have tried harder god I'm a piece of shit. This is the type of torture I deserve.

I can still hear her calling my name.

There was a knock at the door.

" Good your awake." A female said.

I closed my eyes and smiled

" Are you the angel? " I asked

She scoffed but her voice was angelic.

" Maybe I am.." She whispered.

I smiled and more tears formed.

Her hand glided along on my cheeks,her hands were soft as rose petals and she smelt of lavender.

" Am I going to hell now?" I whispered

I could feel her closer to my face.

" Maybe." She whispered in my ear.

I sobbed.

Her hands traveled to my hair and she gently wiped my tears.

" Shhh No tears." She cooed.

I sniffed.

" How? I've done nothing but hurt people. I let my love go and my child- is probably dead." I whispered

She sighed.

" Open your eyes." She commanded

I did as she said and I gasped. She was beautiful. Her hair was long curly brown locks were draped on her shoulders. There was a glimmer in her eyes and her cheeks were a light rose. Her lips were plump and glossed. She was dressed in a white laced gown.

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