Daddy You Got Me Pregnant Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

                                    Kate's Pov:

I took a long breath with my cigarette and I left the smoke mix with my sorrow full my lungs. I wish with every exhale i would let the toxic thoughts and actions i've committed in the last 24 hours would leave me.

I hate all of them. I'm human I still have a feeling of remorse. They were not my problem it was suppose to be Jess and Phil. Damn. I didn't mean to kill those two and there baby.

I'm so sure i've damned my self to hell. That is if i believed there was one. I just didn't feel anything towards that sorry excuse for a daughter of mine.

What makes it worse that if I open this envelope and find out Phil is the father then he'll be arrested for incest. A small smirk ran across my lips and i lifted the smoke close to my lips and sucked in once more.

He's ruined my life.

I was living in a nice home and having a perfect affair and then she had to stop that all from happening. Why? According to her I didn't deserve him as a lover let alone a care taker.

It's sick what she did to me and I would only be returning the favor. Now i'm stuck in some run down  motel avoiding people just in case the cops come looking for me.

They seem to be in love. It makes me sick just like staring at this fading yellow on the wall with its matching curtains. I wish I never met that devilish man and I wouldn't have to be here.

The rage bubbling up in me is more painful then this smoke in my lungs. He's not even her father. I've been cheating on him for the past 14 years. And, I feel like they should know.

I reached over for the mystery bottle I bought from a questionable man in a parking garage. I took a swig and looked at the doctors letter.

I slid my hand over to grip it and slowly ran its body across the carpet floor. I was scared but mostly scared for what i would do after i read the contents of the letter.

This letter would permanently changed my life if I haven't already done so. I tucked my index finger under the lap and ripped a corner open until i could fit the letter out.

I unravel the letter and began to read.

I scoffed.

That bastards daddy and so is a boy named Rex.

I remember him. He was I think beating Jessica at the time when they were dating. I guess he's stuck around. It doesn't seem to faze me.

I guess it's settled.

I have to murder my own daughter.


wow, last chapter of this book until the sequel. I never thought I'd be here right now. I never thought I'd officially finished a popular book when I first signed up in 2012. I'd like to shout out all of my followers who gave me support on this book and all editors who helped this book happen. Most of all anyone who voted or even read this book thank you so much. you guys made this happen and I'm eternally grateful that I could share a story that came to life in the shower. :) I'll be working on the second book I'm sure there are lots of unanswered questions. thank you again and stay reading my Gummy bears.

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