Daddy You Got Me Pregnant. Chapter 8

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Author's Note: I see lots of people have taken great interest to this book. If i get 500 read before the end of February then i will extend the book. Thus, making a sequel which will be more detail more twists and a whole lot of drama :)

Chapter 8

Everyone Knew.

It was all over face book.

The perfect bitch got knocked up.

Dadd- I mean Rex dropped me off at my house. Which i wasn't so thrilled about. I didn't want to see him anyways. He was a rapist and a liar. Its amazing what you find out in a couple of days.

I guess, when the bastard wasn't fucking me he was fucking my mom and from Bethany chick. I should have known.

Why was I so stupid?

Hell, I got my self knocked up and i'm not sure about anything anymore.

" Your Pregnant?!"

He yelled as soon as he saw me open and close the door.

I wasn't feel so good and I didn't want to deal with this right now.

I had a headache

" Not now dad.."

I touched my head and sighed.

He looked pissed and worried.

" Its not mine."

He said. More of a reassurance then anything.

I chuckled

" Is that what you worried about?"

I said looking into the eyes that looked at me as they raped me.

He started to step back getting nervous.

" So you won't have to tell anyone that your a dad and a grandfather? Oh whatever"

I yelled.

He wasn't concerned about me. He just wanted his reputation to be clean so he could keep fucking woman and keep getting money. How ever he managed to receive it.

" Your just a bastard. I hope its not yours. I wouldn't want you fucking up my child like you did to me. Not alone besides raping it."

I slammed my fist on the kitchen counter. Ignoring the sharp pain the ripped threw my wrist and forearm.

" Some Role-model you are. "

With out another word i stormed pasted him and went straight to my room.

I can't believe it.

He used me.

I meant nothing to him.

I was just another girl in his list.

I whipped my eyes and touched my stomach.

" I will make sure you get the world."

I whispered.

I wouldn't let this baby have to go through the things i had to go threw. I would keep this baby and finish school. even if that means I have to bust balls to do it . I will.

No excuses.

For the next six hours I studies for my finals. I caught up on my homework and e-mails all my teachers telling them my situation. They all accept it and gave me work to take home for when i'm out.

My phone buzzed.

It was a face book notification.

Someone wrote on my wall.

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