Daddy You Got Me Pregnant Chapter 18

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  • Dedicated to youtube actors

Chapter 18

Jess Pov:

Sometimes, in life you have mountains you have to climb. Rivers you have to swim though and battle you got to fight. I'm stronger then this.

My eyes slowly opened. I felt groggy like i had some kind of hang over. I looked over to my arm to see an IV needle in it. I hugged and relaxed.

Someone cleared their throat.

I looked over to see Vincent sitting in a chair reading a baby name book.

I rolled my eyes.

" What about Ester?"

He looked up at me.

I rolled my eyes again in disgusted. That was a stripper name, everyone knew that. I wasn't going to talk about baby names with him. It was a job for the father. which wasn't him.

I started to think about bobby. Then our song came on in my head and the memories came flooding back again.

~ The Memory ~

It was quiet and he was staring at me. It was just him and me. He looked so weak. He had a black eyes and was just walking. I ran over to him.

I ran towards him

" Bobby!"

I screamed.

He looked at me and back.

Where was he walking to you.

I looked around to see we were in the woods. The same woods where the police found him when he was mur-

I shook my head.

He mumbled something to him self.

I tried to touch him but he was ice cold under my finger tips.

He looked at my stomach and touched me.

He smiled with dull eyes. This wasn't the Bobby that i knew. Who always had hope in his eyes. With a great smile in his lips. Now...he looked dead.

Tears streamed down my cheeks.

He looked up at me and forced a smile.

" I'm coming Gabriel. "

He mumbled.


And he was gone.

~ end of memory ~

" Her heart is going a mile a minute!"

Someone screamed.

I couldn't see anymore. everything was a blur again.

I felt a shock on my chest , like a sharp stinging.

" Clear!"

A guy screamed again.

" Damn it Jessica! "

Vincent screamed into my ear.

" Don't give you give up on me baby!'

he shouted.

There was a burning in my chest. A shearing pain came afterwards.

A loud scream came from my lips.

I heard a monitor go flat



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