Special (poptjay)

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In which tione writes a letter to his crush bashar declaring his true feelings 

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In which tione writes a letter to his crush bashar declaring his true feelings 

Dear Bashar, i always knew you were something special from the day i met you. When we did our first songs together i could feel a connection between you and me are sounds went perfectly together and i fell in love with everything about you. I'll get you anything you want i'll even take you on a shopping spree if you want. I could say and do so much but it wouldn't be enough to make up for how happy you have made me and how much you changed me for the better. 

I always had my own problems and issues i felt like nobody could understand but i know you understand me and that's why i want you by my side. I write this to let you know to me you are special and that nobody in this world could understand me the way you do and that nobody could make me as happy as you do. 

You are something special and i need and want for you to be me mine. 

Ok for everyone saying that i'm taking these things i say in the letters off the internet NO i am not i come up with these things by myself 

The next chapter will be a apology letter from me to you guys for not being as good of a writer as i could be i can't believe i have as many followers as i do 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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