
You didn't go to school for two weeks, Jungkook was sick and at home, Jimin was probably missing his punching bag, but obviously he didn't care about you being gone

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You didn't go to school for two weeks, Jungkook was sick and at home, Jimin was probably missing his punching bag, but obviously he didn't care about you being gone. The only good thing was that your mother was more absent at home then usual, almost never coming back home every day.

Everyone at school were worried about your absence, but because of Jimin, they stayed silent and no one reached out to you. But to you, it felt like the whole world had turned its back on you, and that you were trapped in an endless labyrinth.

Sometimes you wondered, if you would ever find the exit. 

Another week flew by, and you finally decide to go to school; Jungkook had practically begged you to go to school because of 'how important education was.'

Jungkook sees you at the front gate and smiles, something that you rarely see from people these days.

"Y/N!" he says, but after seeing the expression on your face, his smile fades slightly, and as he sees the healing wounds on you face that was half covered by your hood, his eyes widen and immediately asks, "What happened to you??"

You just cover it up with another excuse and say, "I fell, and I also punched the wall, that's why my hand's... bandaged."

He doesn't believe you, but class was about to start so you both walk into school, and go your own ways to class.

Your locker was trashed, not a surprise, and you take your books out of your bag and don't even bother putting anything inside your locker.

You go to your first class early, and sit at the back listening to music. You look out the window and admire the same tree, but this time the tree was lifeless, and almost as if it was giving up on life. Its branches looked tired and the colour of its trunk had darkened slightly, giving it a sense of being hopeless of living any longer.

Soon, class starts, and you brace yourself for another long day. The professor enters the room and starts calling out the role, while you drift into another daydream, half listening to the lesson, half wondering how society is so cruel.


You don't line up at the lunch queue and just sit with Jungkook at a table, watching Jungkook eat his lunch, and you zone out, thinking about life.

"Why aren't you eating?" Jungkook says, while taking another bite of his sandwich.

"I'm not hungry." you reply.

Jungkook looks at you sceptically, but continues to eat his lunch. It's as if he knows everything going on but he doesn't know how to reach out to you.

The bell rings, and you sigh as everyone gets ready for their next class.

You sit at your usual spot and your mind wanders off to random places, not paying attention to the lecture at all.

"Miss Y/N! Pay attention in my class! What's the answer to 2x + 7ab if 2x+a=86?" your professor looked at you, expecting an answer.

"U-uh... I'm not sure sir..." you say, embarrassed and screaming inside at how you weren't paying attention in class. You thought of how low your grades have dropped, but at the same time it didn't really matter anymore to you.

"Oooh the nerd doesn't know the answer to a question, turns out you're as dumb as you look." Jimin remarks.

"Quiet, class." says the professor, calmly, pretending to not be aware of the remark Jimin made.

You put your head down on your desk on your arms, and you were not in the mood for anything. You just had to graduate, and then get a job, that pays enough, then move... away from here, far away from this town, of people, and people that couldn't care less if you were gone.


School ends, and you tell Jungkook you're going home by yourself and that you need to pick up some groceries, and you walk along the street, feeling stressed and tired of life.

You walk home in silence and go in through the back door, then you quickly go up the stairs to your room, and you lie down on your bed, exhausted from the day. You mind wanders off, and you remember the week before Jimin left.

Flashback - a week before Jimin left.

"Hey Jiminn!!" you shout, as you see him at school.

"Oh, hi Y/N..." he says. He looked a bit upset.

"What's wrong??" you ask. It was early in the school day and Jungkook had told you to go to school first because he had to quickly finish a project.

"My brother just became CEO of his own company and all my parents talk about is him. Worst thing is they expect me to be like him." Jimin says, rolling his eyes.

"I mean, congrats to your brother, but don't you want to be a singer?" you reply.

"Exactly, but I want to make myself useful and make my parents proud."

You furrow your eyebrows and you both hear the bell ring, as you quickly run to your classroom, saying a hurried goodbye to Jimin.

After school (still in flashback)

You walk to the school gate with Jungkook but Jimin is nowhere to be seen. You were quite sad about it because you three always walked home together. You and Jungkook decided to walk home together just the two of you since you didn't know where Jimin was.

You went home, did your homework with Jungkook, then had dinner and went to sleep.

Fast forward --  a day before Jimin left.

Jimin hadn't gone to school for a week, and today was officially one week without seeing Jimin at school.

When you walked into the classroom with Jungkook, you both sat down and listened to the teacher calling out the role.

"Jeon Jungkook?"

"Present Miss."


"Morning Miss."

And as she kept calling out the role, your noticed she skipped Jimin's name on the role, but you didn't really think about it much as the lesson continued.

Flashback ends

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