Piper // Five

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He looked at her, oh Gods.

Act like you don't care.

Piper averted her gaze and pretended as if she was interested in whatever Leo and Annabeth were saying.

"I think that it's a good plan," Annabeth told proudly, as if very satisfied of her plans.

"No, Annie, it is not." Leo crossed his arms defiantly. "Argo II is not some fancy cruise ship like Titanic or whatever."

"Leo, ughhh!" Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Just for one night, okay? I just really need to move the venue and I think that it's a good idea to have the Halloween party there."

"Well, I think it's a bad idea so you might want to change it."

"Come on, please. What can you lose?"


"Just one night, duuude! Say yes or I'll kick you in the ass!"

"An even bigger NO. Just because you're the queen of all cleverness doesn't mean you always get the permission to everything."

Deeply frustrated by it, Annabeth glared at Leo and muttered some curse under her breath as she walked out.

"What in the name of Hades is wrong with you, Leo?" Piper questioned, although the whole situation made her laugh.

"I just can't give her Argo II that night," he explained. "I have something special reserved for it."

"Is that something special named someone like Calypso?" Piper gave a cheeky grin.

"That something special is actually what Jason and Reyna are sharing right now," Leo told her as he stuck his tongue out.

This little...

That kind of hurt, really. Piper thought she was over with the whole Reyna thing, but seeing as how he smiled at her and shared a very subtle moment with her made her heat up inside.

I mean, look at Jason. He was seriously enjoying himself, look at him! Oh, that bastard. He is touching her back!

What, now he's looking at me?

Piper didn't realize she was glaring when Leo put his fingers on her eyebrows to fix the furrow lines.

She batted his hand away only to result his annoyingly teasing laugh.

Jason whispered something to Reyna's ear before standing up and heading towards them.

"Oh, Jason's going here," Leo said.

"I can see," she replied too quickly, rolling her eyes and ending eye contact with Jason. "Hey, I'm feeling kind of weird I'm just gonna go."

She rushed away immediately, not wanting to talk to Jason.

"Wait!" She heard Leo say but she ignored it. Even until Jason himself was calling her name, she'd ignored him until they were out of her earshot.

If it seemed like she was purposely avoiding her boyfriend, well, she really was. Looking at Jason only made her feel irritated, so she'd rather wander the Camp alone without him.

Lucky for her, she had some company because once Frank and Hazel saw her, they hastily greeted her like they haven't seen each other for the longest time.

"You're looking more and more amazing!" Hazel complimented after giving her a friendly hug.

"Oh, come on. It's you who's looking more beautiful," she replied, shyly. "How are things between you two?"

"Really, really good," Frank said in a playful tone before putting an arm around her waist.

Hazel looked flushed at her boyfriend's response. "Not here, Frank."

Deep down Piper, she was so jealous with them. It even crossed her mind if Jason was proud of her as Frank was proud of Hazel.

Probably not.
Once they were gathered for dinner, Piper specifically chose the seat that was far from Jason.

He looked at her most of the time but she couldn't return it.

She was sat beside Leo and Percy, while Jason had no choice but to sit beside Reyna. And Piper thought that it might have been an even worse idea that she'd let him sit there instead of sitting beside her.


"What are you guys planning to wear for Halloween?" Percy inquired, placing a spoonful of mashed potato on his mouth.

Frank looked at Hazel. "We're thinking like Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia might be a cute concept."

"Aww," Annabeth cooed. "That is really cute, actually."

"Hey, what about you and Persassy?" Leo asked.

"Don't talk to me."

We all laughed seeing as how Annabeth was still annoyed with the fact that Leo wouldn't let her borrow the Argo II for "something special" or whatever that is.

"We haven't thought of it, actually, since this blondie over here has been too busy preparing for the party," Percy had explained before placing a soft kiss at Annabeth's forehead.

Why are they showing too much affection?

"What about you Piper?"

She wasn't sure if she heard it right, but it was Reyna who asked her.

"Oh, um..." She glanced uncomfortably at Leo who only looked at her in amusement. Good thing Calypso pinched him on the ear. Good for you. "I haven't thought about it, too."

"Yeah, well because I will be in charge of that, babe," Jason said with an evil little wink.

Ugh, don't you call me babe.

"Oh, that's going to be really great, I think," Percy commented as him, Jason, and Leo shared a playful glance.

"Yeah, I mean, if Jason was in charge of putting you into anything he likes, then you would just be naked, right?"

Piper felt like her whole existence had been an embarrassment.

She kicked Leo's foot under the table making him grunt.

"Hey, just one question, Piper." Percy looked at her innocently. "Is Jason dominant in b---ow! Holy Hades!"

"Try ridiculing my best friend one more time and I'll shove a cactus right up your ass!" Thank the Gods for Annabeth.

Jason was just casually laughing at it.

How on Earth is he even (?)

Reyna looked at Jason naively and he looked back at her...

"Hey, look I'm not really feeling hungry and all. I'm just going to bed early, guys." Piper quickly got up and left the table before Leo held her wrist.

"Beauty Queen we were just messing around," he said apologetically.

She felt so emotional inside because the way they were teasing her made it her feel so embarrassingly weird.

Leo let her go as she insisted of leaving immediately.
It's a double update motherfucker! Lol because I see that you guys have been reading and ily all.

Also, I was less busy and feeling more motivated.

I can't believe I'll finally see one direction in a couple of days ashsjsnsodksodjd (I mean, not that you guys care but they are my life omg)

Pls comment/vote for this chappie. Yay. Okay. Bye.

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