Seven // Piper

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Guys, sorry if I hadn't updated for like ages. College had been really busy and finals is only a few weeks away so forgive me.

Anyway, I wanted to stick with having Piper and Jason in two alternate pov chapters, but I felt like it would be more ideal if I write on Piper's pov for awhile. xx

unedited (and written at 1am, soz)

She never saw Jason during lunch and it was bothering her. She really wanted to talk to him and thank him for being the sweet boyfriend that he was, but she never really got a sight of him at all.

She tried going to Leo but he denied that he knew where Jason was. She almost worried a little -- getting paranoid and all -- that what if something had happened to Jason? Or what if he's with someone

Thankfully, Annabeth was there to occupy her. And so was Calypso. They had a nice little chat about how excited they were and how this event would seem really fun, and of course, kudos to Annabeth for it.

Around dusk, everyone seemed to have been preparing already with their costumes. The Ares cabin was in total chaos as they fought over who had a more badass costume. The Hermes cabin was just as crazy too, as the kids kept running around stealing each other's costumes. The rest of the cabins were not as loud, although they all really seemed to be equally excited.

Then there was the Aphrodite cabin, Piper's home, where the chaos isn't exactly about costumes. It was about make-ups and other girly things. Her siblings were panicking; Lacy was rushing around with her robe and her unfinished hair, Drew was whining about how the hairblower won't work, and the rest of them? Oh, don't even think of it.

Piper just sat at her bed, amusingly watching all of them. She wasn't ready at all, in fact she wasn't doing anything to prepare. And she also was in no where ready to start until Annabeth came barging at the door with Hazel and Calypso.

"What on Olympus are you doing?" Annabeth questioned like the concerned friend that she was.

One of Piper's brothers walked up to Annabeth and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Believe me, we've tried telling her to prepare."

"Hey!" Piper complained. "I just...Look, I'm not used to this or anything. I don't even know how to put makeup."

"For a child of the goddess of beauty, that's a shame," Hazel joked to which they laughed.

"Or maybe because I support the idea of having natural beauty?" Piper replied in teasing manner.

Hazel laughed along. "Your beauty is visible with or without makeup, agreed."

"See!" Piper told Annabeth, trying to prove a point. "And look at you, Annie, you haven't prepared as well and you want to drag my ass to start."

Annabeth crossed her arms, looking like an upset mother about to scold her child. "Piper McLean, I'm not taking a no for answer. Come with us!"

Piper was, literally, dragged by Annabeth out of the cabin. But before they could actually step out of the door, Lacy handed the box to Piper.

"What's that?" Calypso asked.

"A dress."

They all brought Piper to Hera's cabin where the kids were calm and not fuzzing around like the rest of them.

"Okay, I've decided that this should be our bonding moment, you know," Annabeth suggested, earning a giggle from Piper. "Let's all fix each other up so we could have opinions and all that. That's what teenage girls do, right?"

They started to get ready and put on their makeups and fixed their hair respectively.

It was really fun because the girls would dance to songs from Annabeth's iPod while they prepared, looking like an all-human teenagers.

Piper failed miserably at trying to put makeup and Calypso managed to help her a bit.

"Let me fix that," she offered.

"Ugh, I really suck at this."

Just a few seconds later, a pink aura engulfed her. It was swirling her completely that it looked like she was being sucked in a pink tornado and the girls couldn't see her.

What the Underworld...

The girls gasped in utter surprise at the sight of her. It was like they were really shocked but satisfied at the same time.

"Oh, my gods," Annabeth grinned in satisfaction. "Looks like your mom fixed you herself. You're stunning, babe!"

"Such beauty," Hazel added with a smile.

Piper blushed and smiled shyly. She looked at herself in the mirror and her jaw dropped.

Is that really me?

Her hair was in perfectly loose curls and her make-up was really stunning. It was simple but it was the kind of simple that would make you want to stare at her face forever.

"Thank you, Mom, for being my mother in general," she mumbled, because where else could she have gotten her beauty?

"Give your father a little credit as well!" Hazel giggled. "He is a really hot man for his age, if I may add."

Annabeth was dressed as cat-woman and her silky dark spandex was really hugging her beautiful curves. Piper was betting Percy would be Batman.

Hazel was Princess Leia, just like what she claimed two days ago. She really captivated the sophisticated aura. She'd look perfect beside Frank aka Luke Skywalker.

And then there was Calypso who had a green jumpsuit and some mustache.

"What are you?" Piper laughed.

Calypso wore a big cap that matched her costume with the letter L marked on it. "I'm Luigi."

"And Leo would be Mario." Annabeth rolled her eyes playfully. "Of course."

"Actually, it wasn't planned," Calypso said. "Him and Jason were supposed to pair up and be Mario and Luigi to obvious reasons --"

Because of their friendship as brothers, Piper smiled.

"-- but Jason kind of bailed him off because he had a completely different idea that doesn't involve him."

"It's me being his Juliet," Piper answered for her. She was really getting more and more eager to see him. His sweet gesture should be returned tonight and she considered maybe attacking him with kisses.

"Yes, and now put on your dress and your angel wings and your mask because your Romeo is waiting for you." Annabeth smiled at Piper and nudged her excitedly.

He would be waiting.

Piper promised to herself that he wouldn't be disappointed tonight because he'll have her only to himself. And that idea brought the biggest smile on her face.

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