Fourteen // Jason

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I knew it.

Just as Jason thought he was being overprotective. Dramatic, even. He almost prepared a two-paragraph apology to Piper. But he was right. He always was! He just knew that this Cole guy had nasty intentions.

Jason had never been so proud of himself that he actually followed her. Now he's there and ready as ever to take down the mortal.

Just the thought of him forcing himself on his girl. Touching her in places that was off limits. That was like pulling the last string of self-control that Jason has been holding on.

The sky was angry but so was Jason.

Piper begged at Cole drunkenly but the bastard kept going on. He dashed towards them and before any of them knew it, his hands were gripping the back of the mortal's neck, throwing him hard at the wall opposites Piper.

The adrenaline was kicking in and Jason took advantage of that. He loved fighting raw because it makes him more Roman. Cole landed on the ground, writhing in pain. He looked at Jason with wide eyes.

"Shocked to see me?" Jason spat before kicking him in the stomach. If I could take down monsters, I could easily have this guy dead in a matter of seconds.

But that's too easy. Jason wanted to prolong his pain and see him suffer.

He grabbed a fistful of hair to make Cole face him before he threw in a forceful punch.

As usual, Jason's temper caused the dark sky to rumble.

He stared at the human, whose nose was broken, whose left eye was busted. Jason felt pleasure in seeing him like that.

"S-Stop!" he begged. "I'm s-sorry! P-Please!"

"That's too late, don't you think?" Jason locked his bloody hand on Cole's jaw.

"I will...I'm...I'm gonna stay away from her," he cried in pain.

Jason's hard knuckles landed on his face again. "You better."

He was about to throw in another punch but a familiar voice stopped him.

"Jas! That's enough!" Percy pushed him off of the mortal.

He exhaled and stood up, checking the damage he'd done.

"Gods, look what you did," Percy hissed, pointing at Cole's busted face.

"You should have seen what he did," Jason wiped the blood on his knuckles. It was almost funny that it was Percy's blood that was at the back of his hand just a few days ago.

Percy shook his head in total discomfort. He walked closer to Jason and spoke in a hushed tone, "You're going to be so dead. The gods don't allow us to fight humans!"

"So what do you want me to do, then?" he argued. "Let him rape Piper? Is that what you want?"

"Fuck no," Percy quickly denied. " should have been careful. You're letting your temper get into you again. This didn't have to happen."

"Yeah, well who am I to listen to you?"

"Hey, can the both of you shut up and help me here?" They turned to Leo who was struggling to a passed-out Piper. Whoa, Jason had completely forgotten she was there.

"I'll take her home." Jason stepped towards them and easily carried Piper in his arms. "You guys didn't have to follow."

"We know you'd need a bit of help," Leo shrugged.

"And don't you forget that we came here in NYC with you," Percy added. "And we're going to make sure both of you will be together soon in no time."

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