Nine // Jason

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Jason had never felt this before. There's this pain -- it was pounding on his chest. He wanted to punish himself for hurting Piper; he just wanted to make her happy but everything always ends up getting so complicated.

The pain in his chest was much more agonizing seeing as his girlfriend looked at him with disgust.

Is this what they call heartbreak? He couldn't tell. He has never felt it before.

"Wait!" A girl's voice interrupted them. "Piper, it's me you should blame."

They both turned to see Reyna, gasping for air and having a face full of worry.

Jason quickly averted her eyes to Piper who, in return, looked at him with sadness. Her usual kaleidoscope eyes looked dull and he hated the fact that he was the reason for it.

"No need for explaining, it's already over," she spoke with coldness, though you could feel she was trying to mask it from pain.

There was an unfamiliar throbbing in his chest. He couldn't stop it. He wanted to make it stop, but he didn't exactly know how.

Earlier, Jason felt so jealous when Percy danced with Piper. Even if they only danced for a short while, he hated that they were so close and he felt his territorial claim -- no wonder Piper was so mad. She must've been feeling the same towards Reyna. Or worse, she must've kept a broken heart and decided to deal with it for a while.

He understood the situation more and more after he tried to look in her perspective.

And then he realized, this was his first heartbreak.

And it certainly was breaking his heart.

He didn't know that till now.

"Piper, please. We have to talk this through. Couples normally fight but we can sort this out," Jason practically begged and he never did that to anyone before. "It's all a misunderstanding, I promise you."

Which was probably why Reyna was suppressing a grimace. No amount of jealousy could surpass the way Reyna felt for Piper, but she was trying to act modest at the situation.

"Piper, I promise you, it was nothing," she told her sincerely as Piper listened. "Jason was giving me company because I needed one, but I never knew that I was taking too much of his time from you. I'm really, really sorry."

Piper's recently angry face faded to a softer composure.

"I'm not trying to steal Jason from you and never will I. But I admit I did get a bit carried away for the past few days," Reyna continued explaining. "Please understand that Jason used to be very close to me. Sometimes it's hard to detach yourself from people that you care about."

Jason swallowed nervously. He wasn't exactly sure what he felt. He just knew that he wanted nothing to do with Reyna but keep her merely as a friend, a former colleague.

"But why do I have to always be the nice person and sacrifice in this? I know I shouldn't be so selfish, but Jason's my boyfriend and you have to understand that I have all the right to feel betrayed and jealous because I know, trust me, I know you had something from the past." Piper's tears came back.

In Jason's head, he could already picture out Reyna burning with rage while screaming, "How dare you speak like that to me! You have no idea what I had to deal with when Jason was taken away from me! I'm the one suffering here! I'm the one who did nothing but to sacrifice! And you, you can't even stand seeing Jason talking to another girl, you selfish brat!"

But that's not how it happened, because expectantly, Reyna had the audacity to keep her emotions to herself to dodge unnecessary conflicts.

"But you're his present and I respect that. You have all the right to be mad at me, just please forgive Jason," Reyna almost begged.

Piper looked at him and he took a deep breath.

"I'm not angry, but I'm lying if I said I'm not hurt," Piper spoke through sincere words. "I love Jason. I know I will always forgive him at the end of the day. But that day just isn't now."

What does she mean?

Piper continued, "I...I need to find myself. I want to be happy. I want to be less dependent on him. I need to be away and find my happiness."

Each word pierced Jason with so much pain. It felt worse than being stabbed by an imperial gold sword.

"I'm sorry, but I need time to love myself," Piper ended her speech with a broken-hearted gaze at Jason.

Reyna couldn't argue with that, because she knew that it would take time to love yourself to be with the person you love. It makes you stronger. Reyna had experienced that.

But for Jason, it was something he would just accept. He loved her so much and he found it really absurd how serious the situation suddenly became that....

Piper broke up with him.


Later that night, the party was over, everyone was resting, and they all seemed to have enjoyed. Apart from Jason.

After Piper announced the heartbreaking decision, she left while Jason had fallen to his knees.

Feeling his pain, Reyna embraced him and apologized for the trouble she hadn't meant to cause.

Jason wouldn't be able to sleep at a situation like this, so he headed to the Argo II alone.

He was distraught when a romantic dinner set caught his attention.

It was my plan.

He was supposed to treat Piper a very romantic dinner before they head to New York City to live off as normal humans.

Leo had helped him with everything. And it became nothing but a waste, because who would appreciate it then?

If no such thing occurred, they would have been enjoying some fancy dinner under the moonlight at this starry, starry night.

They would have kissed blissfully -- lovingly, more than they ever did.

Jason looked down at the sky from the static ship.

"Dad," he spoke. "I don't usually ask you about girl problems, but Piper claims a huge space on my heart and I just feel empty."

Jason sighed, leaning against the railings. "Did you have problems like that with Juno?" he laughed humorlessly to himself. "Of course, you do."

For a while, he was silent. He resumed to call a different god, this time -- a goddess.

"Aphrodite, I don't know how infuriated you are at me at this rate. You're probably planning my assassination already, and I can't blame you for that."

He sniffed the ocean breeze.

"There's one thing you should know: I love her and I'm 100% sure about it. I may not be as romantic as you'd like me to be, but please forgive me and grant me this wish: bring her back to me."

A/n: I apologize for this absolutely terrible chapter. This is just a filler for the next part where Jason and Piper will finally be 'normal' teens. Stay tuned! I will update as soon as I can!

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