Three // Jason

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Who would've thought he'd find himself someone like Piper? She was amazing. Jason couldn't imagine a life without her, especially now that they have more time to spend with each other. 

For the past year, all Jason ever did was to save everyone, the world itself, from the montrosity of Gaea. But now, it was time to rest. Surely it wouldn't hurt to at least give himself a break on quests and adventures. After all, they have so many heroes to look upon to, some who were just as great and honorable as Jason. 

Camp Half-Blood felt like home. A few months there felt like several years in Camp Jupiter. Sometimes he couldn't possibly deny that he misses his old camp. Being the praetor wasn't just a big responsibility to shoulder but it was also a big honor. Everyone knows Jason was their Mr. Perfect when it comes to following the rules. He was born a true leader, which Piper really admired. 

But he was also a great friend. A lover. 

Even though their relationship was found on a false memory from the Mist, he never regretted being with her. Piper had always been head-over-heels over him--always the first one to show her love and devotion. 

Now, it was his turn. And he planned to do it the right way. 


"Bro, are you really serious about that?" Leo let out a nervous laugh. 

Jason nodded. It was all he ever wanted. "I'm sticking with the plan. We'll get an apartment down in NYC. I'll try to get a job and all---I don't really know. I like it spontaneous this time. Anyway, it's just for a few months. I just want to try a life alone with Piper, normally. Without all the Greek and Roman-ness." 

"Is that just so you two can get laid whenever you want, minus the curfew, minus the people who might caught you and all?" Leo smiled playfully. "Who knew you can be such a sex god?"

"That, and just because I really want to spend time with her." Jason said it with such certainty in his voice. "I'm trying to be romantic."

"I've been wanting to do the same with Annabeth, actually," Percy admitted. "But I can't get her to do that. She won't ever leave Camp Half-Blood. Everyone here needs her."

They all turned their heads aside to look over at the girls. They were at a distant table seemingly talking about the plans for the Halloween party. Piper and Calypso (who has never experienced Halloween before) looked really excited with their suggestions, and clearly, Annabeth looked really stressed with everything. 

"I can't imagine how Camp Half-Blood would be without Annabeth." Jason laughed. 

"Well, at least, they've managed a few months when we sailed in the Argo II," Leo pointed out. 

Once more, Jason looked at the girls. Calypso was trying to suggest more things to Annabeth while Piper did the same. He caught her eyes for a minute and he winked at her.

"Anyway, how did your conversation with Chiron went?" Percy asked Jason. He could tell that Percy wanted to laugh. 


"Chiron, please. It's not too much to ask," Jason pleaded as he followed around Chiron like a tail. 

Chiron faced him by the time they reached The Big House. "Jason Grace, as noble and brave as you are, I'm afraid we have our rules, and our rules very clearly state that all claimed demigods must reside in their godly parent's cabin."

"But---" Jason felt defiant yet at the same time he was kind of embarrassed. He always followed rules, but around Piper? He was willing to break as many. She had always been his weakness. 

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