Fifteen // Piper

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Her eyes shot wide open. The blinding lights woke her from her slumber and her immediate response was to groan.

Usually, she really loved waking up in her own place because she didn't have to be forced to wake up at a specific time. There was no curfew, no rules at all.

Sometimes, she'd be waiting for the horn to blow from afar, signaling her that it was time to get up and start the day. But, she realized, that it only happened in Camp Half-blood.

Piper sat upright from her bed and the pain in her head only worsened.

"Christ," she muttered, massaging her temples. Her eyes darted towards her clothes and that's when memories flooded her thoughts.

Holy sh--

"Oh my, Gods," she whined silently. She remembered everything. From Cole's attempt to rape her to Jason showing up in the scene. There was a blank memory after that, then she woke up and Jason was changing her clothes.

Jason was changing my damn clothes!

Her cheeks felt hot. She remembered her drunken slurs, how she spilled whatever was on her head, how she seemed desperate to touch him.

"No, no." She sunk her face in the pillow, embarrassed. She recalled everything last night but it was like she was being controlled -- as if she couldn't stop herself or filter her words.

When she looked up, she noticed a glass of orange juice, an advil and a sticky note saying 'welcome to the alcohol world :)' placed above her bedside table. It was too obvious that the messy handwriting was distinctly Jason's.

With a deep sigh, she took the pill and drank the orange juice. She tried to tucked her embarrassment in as she stepped out of bed. The throbbing in her head still bothered her.

Gods, this is embarrassing.

She braced herself as she opened the door and walked out of her room. There was no one in the living room and Jason and Leo's makeshift bed was neatly tucked to a sofa.

She headed towards the kitchen, bumping to a hard-chested dark haired guy.

"Hey, Percy," she looked at him with wide eyes. It was the first he'd seen him know.

He returned that troublemaker smile. "Piper! How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay," she said, awkwardly. "Um, it's nice to, uh, see you."

Percy tried to laugh inwardly but Piper could tell what he was thinking.

"Well, your hair is lighter and shorter from last time but you're more beautiful than ever," he said without a hint of awkwardness. Was it weird that the tension between them was one-sided?

She blushed at his compliment nonetheless. "Thanks, Perce!"

"Ah! Won't you return the compliment?" he joked.

"You look exactly the same," she giggled. "Still you."

"Fine. I'll accept that since I'm no Mr. Hot Stuff Valdez."

She chuckled, remembering Leo's sudden vanity after meeting with Narcissus. "Where are they anyway?"

Percy pointed towards the dining area and she nodded at him gratefully. After Percy left to go the bathroom, she went towards the others.

They were sat at the dining table eating breakfast which was a McDonald's takeout when she showed up herself at them.

Leo was talking with a mouthful of pancake that it was almost too hard to understand him. "You're such a disgrace, Jason! You shouldn't be called Jason Grace, you should be Jason Disgrace! Do you hear me? You are a dis -- oh, hey there, Beauty Queen!"

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