Two // Piper

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The next morning, they weren't caught in the cabin or anything. No one ever knew. Or so they think.

Jason and Piper managed to sneak out of the cabin very early in the morning, so they didn't get much sleep.

He led her to a path where she could come back to her cabin and not be seen.

"See you at breakfast, Pipes." He planted a kiss on her forehead. "Last night, we were amazing."

The redness of her face was unstoppable. Officially, she wasn't a virgin. She didn't know if it was a mistake or not, but what she did know was that she was happy she did it with him.

When she got into her cabin, her bunkmates were sleeping sound. Carefully, she walked to her bunk trying her best not to wake anyone.

"So!" Someone shouted and she jumped in surprised. She turned and saw Drew scrutinizing her.

Oh, Gods.

"Had fun?" she asked with a sarcastic smirk.

"What do you mean?" Piper tried to laugh about it.

"You and I both know what I mean," Drew said. Something about her tone hinted bitterness.

"I was just out," she lied. "I couldn't sleep so I took a long walk."

"Oh, so you took a long walk with Jason to his cabin, and, wow. You didn't get caught or anything?" She grinned at her like a maniac.

Surely, she had seen her jumping out of the window last night. She was really good at pretending to sleep.

"Why the hell do you care, Drew? He's my boyfriend. We can do whatever we want."

Due to their loud voices, most of their bunkmates were awaken.

"What are you two up to so early in the morning?" one of them asked.

Piper couldn't say anything. Drew was giving her a mischievous smile, and heck, she wanted to snap her neck with Katopris.

It didn't take long when the horn blew from afar, signaling that everyone would have to get up and start the day.

"So much for sleep," Drew whispered to her before skipping out of the cabin like she had some real gossip to tell everyone.

Mom, please, she begged, silently calling her mother. I know it's sort of wrong that me and Jason...well, please help me.

Why are you so worried about it? Part of her asked herself. Who knows? Percy and Annabeth might have done it, too.

They all gathered at the dining hall and went to line for breakfast. As per usual, she was further in line, with her siblings in front on her. Jason would have to line the last since the line goes by the ranking of their godly parent.

She hadn't spotted him yet. She spent the whole time looking at her food right when she finally sat in at their table. She even forgot to offer part of her food to Aphrodite.

"So, Piper?"

She turned to her siblings. "Sorry, what?"

"Are you okay? You haven't touched your food."

"Yeah, well--"

"Oh, she's fine, alright." Drew snickered. "She was just up all night."

"Leave it, Drew."

She was thankful none of her siblings had pursued to ask about it.

None seemed to have looked at her differently. She almost sighed of relief. It was a good sign. None of them must have seen her little antic with Jason.

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